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Substrate Swap

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:29 pm
by CrabHarvey
Hey Guys (new here),

I’ve recently saved some hermit crabs and I need to change their sand, I’ve realised I’ve got calcium sand. I’m so desperate to change it over ASAP after reading how horrible it is for them.

They’ve had less than a week at home and one isn’t particularly fond of my presence (not an issue I’m worried about, I don’t know what he went through before he got to me). I was just wondering how you guys would recommend I proceed.

Should I take them fully out to change it over or should I leave them on the Coir-Peat while I change the sand over?

I just don’t want to stress them out, I have no intentions of ever holding them so I don’t want them to hide when they see me eventually.

Let me know what you guys think! Sort of time sensitive

Thanks :)

Re: Substrate Swap

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:51 pm
by Xenocrab
Personally, I would set up a temporary iso tank to hold them in until you get their forever home all set up for them. Make sure they have heat/humidity, foods, waters and a hide. Shallow sub is fine in an iso tank. It's only for a short period of time until you get their tank all set! Congrats on your new crabbies and good luck! Let us know how they make out! Transition can be hard for them, but it sounds like you are on the right path!

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Re: Substrate Swap

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 6:13 pm
by CrabHarvey
Thanks Xenocrab!

I’m just waiting for the extra Coir-Peat (in Aus we don’t have EE) to dry, it was just a the tiniest bit too wet when I made it up this morning, then I’m make the iso tank and get everything moving.

I just worried the shy crab will bury again before I can do the change, he is out right now.

What should I do if he burrows before I can get them in the iso tank? He burrows in the Coir-Peat which I don’t need to change but I want to make it deeper for them. Should I just leave him and make it deeper later when he isn’t burrowed??

Re: Substrate Swap

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 6:22 pm
by Motörcrab
I'm with xenocrab on this. I always try to think what will be more harmful to them and fix that first. Like paper, rock, scissors. I believe fixing the substrate is very important to do right away.

Read up on our PPS guide. We never did the second method of slowly raising humidity and offering good foods over a month. Since molting takes a lot out of a crab. Forcing them to eat and get strong before they dig seems like the best option.


Re: Substrate Swap

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 6:30 pm
by Xenocrab
If he goes down in the coir-peat, let him be. Put the other in iso and fix the tank up as gently as possible. Make sure you add enough sub so they can completely submerge. They may go down for a long time to destress or molt. Don't worry, it's natural. Make sure they have everything they need for whenever they decided to come back up!

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Re: Substrate Swap

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 8:07 pm
by CrabHarvey
All is well in crab land!!

Everything went smoothly, the iso tank worked a charm.

Thanks for all your help guys!!