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New Tank and Moving Crabs

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:39 pm
by azbywhitecalf

I got a new tank (30g) and I’d like to move my hermits in there (I have two).

However I’m concerned about my most recent crab, Assey, he hasn’t been active on the surface since we got him About three months ago. I’m pretty sure he’s not mooting because he’s been digging holes like crazy, and sometimes I can see him sitting at the entrance of the whole but his back is turned to me.

Any tips on how I should go about moving him? And just moving everything into the bigger tank as well.

Thank you!

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Re: New Tank and Moving Crabs

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 12:00 am
by azbywhitecalf
I can confirm that assey is not Molting, I saw him peeking out from under the food dish. I think him and Cheesey were communicating, the antennas were wiggling

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Re: New Tank and Moving Crabs

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 1:22 pm
by crabbycasey
If he’s not molting, you should just be able to move him over pretty easily I would think. Maybe the new tank space will pique his curiosity and he’ll move around above ground a little more for you. Realizing the longer I have mine, they just have different personalities where some love to dig, some love to climb, and some just sit, chill and watch the other crazies, lol. Maybe he’s just a digger! Or maybe he’s still de-stressing. I say the new tank space might help only bc I had a new guy who hardly moved (he would dig little pits to stay in for days) when I had him in my old smaller tank, but once I put him in the 40 gallon, he’s out and about, moving around every night! Just my personal experience...

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