Crab molting in wood chips
Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 11:07 am
So In my first tank (10g) I set up the substrate bad and there’s wood chips on top on one end, about 2 inches of wood chips :/ There’s a crab that’s been buried in those wood chips for about a week now, I think he’s molting. I was just going to throw away all the wood chips when I found him. What should I do? I heard digging in wood chips can be bad for them, and I didn’t think he would go on that end to molt. There’s only like 2 inches of actual substrate there. I honestly have no idea why I put that many wood chips. I’ve been cleaning then out around the area where Houdini is. Should I let him finish his molt? He’s a big crab so I don’t think he’ll come up for a while