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Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 11:15 am
by Snowyleopard
I'm doing a presentation on hermit crabs and was wondering how to keep mine safe if I bring him as a "show and tell". I'm in high school, but I know some classes can get loud and rowdy, so I don't want him to get too stressed. And would having him in a small travel carrier be good? It would be all day but I can't bring in his full tank. Does anyone know any ways to keep him low-stress, as well as keep him happy all day?

Re: Travel

Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 8:25 pm
by hermitsinnc
Your top priorities while he's there should be to keep his conditions warm and humid. How warm is your school, generally? If it's not 70 or above, you will need to bring some sort of portable heat source. Be sure you're using a thermometer with this so your crabbie doesn't end up too hot! For humidity, add a large wad of reptile moss (moistened), and make sure the lid of the carrier is airtight.

Here's what I would do:
Put him in a plastic kritter keeper with about an inch of moistened cocofiber at the bottom. Fill about half of the container with moss. In the other side, add 2 condiment cups of water (salt and fresh). Then grab an empty eggshell and put a bit of meat and a bit of fruit/veggies. (This is mostly as a conversation starter if people ask what he eats--he would be fine without food for a school day since they're mostly nocturnal.)

Before and after your presentation, I would keep a towel, hoodie, or something else over his carrier to keep it dark and insulated.

During your presentation, be sure to mention that he has a bigger tank at home! DO NOT, under any circumstances, remove him from his carrier, even for a moment.

Hope this helps!

Re: Travel

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 5:58 am
by Snowyleopard
Thank you so much, I’ll try my best to keep conditions as close to perfect as I can