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Hermit crab not eating much

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2024 2:21 pm
by OopsieDaisies008
Hi, new member here! 🤗 I’ve had my hermit crabs for about a month now, but it doesn’t seem like they’re eating enough? I put out new food for them every night (complete meals and foraging mixes from Etsy sellers), but it really doesn’t look like any of it is being eaten. 😞 Are my crabs sick? How much food do small ones typically consume in a day? They get better menus than I do most days, so I’m a little worried. Thanks.
(P.S I’m following all of the guidelines regarding tank, substrate, temp, humidity, etc. This site has been very educational and I am so grateful!)

Re: Hermit crab not eating much

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2024 11:23 pm
by curlysister
I swear that for the first few years I had my crabs, the only way I knew they were eating is because they didn't die. Oh, and there was poop. It seemed like I put in and took out the same food every time. When they are small, they eat so little that you may not notice. Keep offering a variety of foods, and they will take what they need.
Also, if you are offering dried foods, you don't have to replace it daily. I leave dried food in the tank until it starts getting moldy, then I change it out LOL.

Re: Hermit crab not eating much

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 11:53 pm
by OopsieDaisies008
Thank you so much! I feel a little bit of relief now. Also thanks for the tip about the dried food 😄