by hermitsinnc » Sun Jun 26, 2022 1:46 pm
Not sure what products would be safe/unsafe for crabs. I'm assuming they have access to them now?
When doing a fish-less cycle for an aquarium, you need to add an ammonia source regularly (decaying organic matter, some people use fish food.)
The bottled bacteria can be finicky. Lots of people successfully cycle their tanks without, it just may take longer.
Sometimes ammonia is present even when no reading shows, but maybe the liquid kit you have is more reliable than strips.
3 PPs: Maxwell (small), Mitchelle (medium/small), Kendall (medium/large)
also have 10gal freshwater fishtank w/ neon tetras, pygmy cories, and nerite snails
"I am here, I am loved, God is good, and that's enough." --Brandon Heath