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Hi all, I'm not sure where to post this, but i've come to the conclusion that our newer crab owners are having some major issues and maybe some of the more seasoned crabber's can contribute some help.. I'm so overwhelmed with the amount of people having molt problems.. The exo's don't seem to be coming off. I've been im'ing with 2 crabber's who are in this dilemna and are seeing threads of this go thru the roof. On one of the threads i read somebody talked about iodine defincency.. I'm unfamiliar with this even being a member for 2 years i've never had this problem..I was wondering if maybe these crabs are so deficient in it since being taken from their homes.. Can we maybe post something about this to make everyone aware of their babies needing this. I ran out to the whole foods tonight and bought some seaweed being i'm no where near the ocean. it was 5.49 for a decent pakage of it.. i'm going to steam it and see how they do. I just am stumped as to why so many problems all the sudden. I never have seen so many issues all at once.. so to all my seasoned crabber's please give us your input on this issue i think it might relieve some new crabbie parents.. thanks sara
Topic author
Im by no means a seasoned crabber, but I have read that aquatic shrimp (though they are a different family) need to have a certain amount of iodine in their diet, usually givin through kelps and cooked krill/salad shrimp/etc. Some people have tried adding iodine for reef tanks to their systems, but with little luck...
It seems their are SO many factores in invertabres that we just dont understand. I know for the fresh water snails I raise, I have been told to keep their protien and calcium very high, and during growth stages, increase carbs. Im currently trying this with my crabs, but I dontknow if it works.
I just try to keep kelp and shrimp/krill in their diet constantly. it also helps their color
just my opinion! please dont take it worth much
It seems their are SO many factores in invertabres that we just dont understand. I know for the fresh water snails I raise, I have been told to keep their protien and calcium very high, and during growth stages, increase carbs. Im currently trying this with my crabs, but I dontknow if it works.
I just try to keep kelp and shrimp/krill in their diet constantly. it also helps their color
just my opinion! please dont take it worth much