Favorite Saltwater mix?

All about freshwater & saltwater - dechlorinators, salt, water bowls, and pool construction & maintenance.

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Post by Guest » Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:57 pm

I bought mine from petsmart and it is called hermit crab salt lol i finnaly got it today and they love it

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Is it good this Hermit crab salt?

Post by Guest » Fri Jun 09, 2006 7:19 am

Hi fellow crab crazy folks,
Has anyone else heard of this hermit crab salt by HBH? Any ideas or knowledge on it? Is it good? Thanks.

Topic author

Post by Willow » Sat Jun 10, 2006 9:02 pm

I tried it once, and tested it. It is not strong enough if you mix it according to the directions (1 tsp per cup), you need to mix it 1 1/2 tsp per cup of water. It is also cloudy, probably due to the "added calcium!". My crabs didn't really like it, given a choice, they always chose another brand. But I'm sure it's safe, and the salinity is fine if you mix it right.
I really don't like any of the salt water products made especially for hermies, I prefer fish products.

Topic author

Post by Guest » Sat Jun 10, 2006 9:14 pm

The ones made for fish seem to have better balances of minerals/salt/calcium etc etc. Plus, they are WAYYYYYYYY less expensive. Yes, you have to get a bigger thing of it, but it makes a LOT more saltwater.

I've been playing with Aqua-Craft's Marine Environments salt, and I gotta say, I'm loving it (NAYY)!! Tee-Hee, they sent me free sample happy goodness of that, their Bio-Sea MarineMix, and their Coral Marine. Apart from the free sample goodness (well, they sent the samples to my mother, being as she's the one with the research lab), in water testings, they did come out pretty well. We now have obtained the tanks we'll be using, we have large quantities of marine hermits as test subjects, and as soon as we can agree on ten salts, we'll begin testing. We're cheating and using already published chemical analyses of the salt mixes, rather than getting our own samples tested. YAY, soon to begin tests!!!! Yeah Yeah, I know, taking forever, but dollars and time are kind of at a premium around here :-)

Topic author

Post by Guest » Sun Jun 11, 2006 8:07 am

Good to hear things are progressing nicely for you. :)

Thanks for doing this for us. :)

I am now using Oceanic salt.
