All species require salt water.

All about freshwater & saltwater - dechlorinators, salt, water bowls, and pool construction & maintenance.

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Post by Guest » Wed Jul 20, 2005 5:19 pm

Co'yrtesia wrote:This is a very vital info. Thanks Dae! :D

I see that salt is essential for the molting process for every crab, but can't they get some of the salt from their diet (if any)? I'd expect some (if not all) of those commercial hermit crab meals to contain some salt.
Good question... as far as HCA recommendations though, I'd sure love to see a more blanket "All crabs need saltwater, period." simply because there's a movement toward feeding all natural, non-commercial foods.

Topic author

Post by Guest » Wed Jul 20, 2005 5:31 pm

What do you mean? You want to see the Board endorse the statement?

Topic author

Post by Guest » Wed Jul 20, 2005 5:58 pm

Sorry, I didn't phrase that right... as far as I'm aware there's no place on here where the Board endorses any statement like "PPs don't need saltwater" or anything like that - in fact the basic crab care FAQ just says "you need to provide fresh & saltwater" essentially.
I was more concerned that some new crabbers would mis-read Co's statement, that they would *not* need to provide saltwater since it's probably already in their commercial food (which of course is not what Co' meant, I'm sure!). There's been some arguments to that effect on the forum (PPs don't need saltwater) recently and I'd hate to further confuse new crabbers! So essentially I meant "HCA member recommendations" more than "Board endorsements" if that makes sense. :)

Topic author

Post by Guest » Wed Jul 20, 2005 8:06 pm

Ah okay... well what I keep running into is new owners, often kids, telling people that Caribbeans/PP's don't need salt water. This was a effort to make some of them read and stop spreading that myth around.

Topic author

Post by Guest » Wed Jul 20, 2005 9:03 pm

It's more like an obsolete understanding of hermit crabs that was believed to be true, rather than a myth. Now we have to amend the old crab care, but we also know better.

Let me clear up my last post. I was wondering if it's possible to go without salt water (or at least with PPs) if crab food contains salt...without shortening the crabs' life expectancy in the tank, that is. It was an inquiry out of curiosity, not a declarative statement that claims PPs don't need salt water. Thus, it should not be attempted unless you want to use your crabs as guinea pigs. I didn't (and still don't) even know if crab foods have salt in them. Sorry if I wasn't too clear.

Topic author

Post by Guest » Wed Jul 20, 2005 11:31 pm

Sorry Dae & Co'! Yeah, I read you both right - I just shouldn't be posting right now, my brain is melting in this heat and I'm not "speaking" well. :roll:
I am on the same page with both of you - Daethian, I'm so glad you found some concrete evidence about why ALL crabs should have access to saltwater! Helps put those old arguements to rest finally!
Co'yrtesia, that is an interesting question/hypothesis - I wonder what concentration (and source) of salt the commercial brands would offer? And if so, how would they determine what is the "right" amount? It's amazing how much of this I trust my crabs to decide on, like how often to bathe in the saltwater. Hmm.... :?:

Topic author

Post by Guest » Thu Jul 21, 2005 12:42 pm

I have to agree... how could you as the controller of the food know when they are being offered enough? I've actually put Doc Wellfish crystals in a dish by themselves for my crabs to 'lick' if they want. I think its safest to let them regulate themselves.

Topic author

Post by Guest » Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:55 pm

Co'yrtesia wrote: I was wondering if it's possible to go without salt water (or at least with PPs) if crab food contains salt...without shortening the crabs' life expectancy in the tank, that is.
I would have to say no on this one. Simply because salt water is not just salty water. There are over 70 trace elements in natural sea water. From what Ive read, there are about 14 major elements in natural sea water, and most solutions contain these. So the short answer is no, salt in food would not be sufficient, because there are many things that our crabs are getting from the salt water solutions, not just salt.

Topic author

Post by Guest » Thu Jul 21, 2005 9:49 pm

good article, but my PPs went for 2 years without SW. I don't think PPs NEEEEEDDDDD SW, but should have it. In the 20 gal I have 2 PPs and a ruggie. Even if I didn't have a ruggie in there, I would still have an SW pool in there

NOTE TO NEW CRABBERS: ALWAYS provide salt water to ALL species of crabs ; - )

Topic author

Post by Guest » Thu Jul 21, 2005 10:08 pm

Just because they went without SW doesn't mean they are 100% ok. Its obviously beneficial and NEEDED.

Topic author

Post by Guest » Fri Jul 22, 2005 12:16 am

osippi wrote:good article, but my PPs went for 2 years without SW. I don't think PPs NEEEEEDDDDD SW, but should have it. In the 20 gal I have 2 PPs and a ruggie. Even if I didn't have a ruggie in there, I would still have an SW pool in there

NOTE TO NEW CRABBERS: ALWAYS provide salt water to ALL species of crabs ; - )
Why would you even say that? [smilie=banghead.gif]

They do NEED it. Period. Its an essential part of the molting process.

All species of hermit crabs live near the ocean... on a coast, shoreline whatever. They are a ocean dwelling animal that evolved to live and breathe on land...yet are obviously still reliant on the ocean or they would not be found always and only living near the ocean.

All species of land hermit crabs require ocean water.



Topic author

First Molt/Sea Salt

Post by Guest » Thu Aug 18, 2005 1:31 pm

Hi! My name is Tat. I'm new to the group, really haven't had too much of a chance to look around the forum just yet. I came on here because I just had a pp that molted and I wanted some information on what to do next.

I was surprised to see that pp's need salt water, I had never heard of that before and no pet store has ever meantioned. Honestly, I didn't even know Hermit Crabs needed so much care. I have had a few before (or rather my sons have - I just always end up caring for them, lol) but I've never been able to keep them alive for more than 6 months. I was determined this time to keep them alive so I started looking up info and found your wonderful site!

I'm really glad I stopped by and read a few threads. I'm going to go out right away and get some sea salt for them.

Thanks for putting up all this great information on our li'l crabbies. You've helped me out more than you'll ever know.... oh, and Hermie thanks you too, he almost went into a grave because I thought he was dead (he was only molting but until I saw your site & forum I had never heard of that either).

Thanks again!

Topic author

Re: First Molt/Sea Salt

Post by Guest » Fri Aug 19, 2005 4:14 am

ReddenClan wrote: I was surprised to see that pp's need salt water, I had never heard of that before and no pet store has ever meantioned. Honestly, I didn't even know Hermit Crabs needed so much care. I have had a few before (or rather my sons have - I just always end up caring for them, lol) but I've never been able to keep them alive for more than 6 months. I was determined this time to keep them alive so I started looking up info and found your wonderful site!
I wouldn't be surprised at all of no mention of saltwater for crabs from petstores...

I don't know how your petstores out there are, take the one I got my crabs from for example. The Manager there told me that saltwater was just table salt, and that the crab's don't even need it. He also told me that regular tap water wouldn't hurt them. After getting me some instant ocean from a large bag he had (no smaller bags available, determined to make a sale, he got a little bag for me), and after doing so, he washed his hands off in a fish aquarium, full of nasty brown water, with live fish.

I came back a few weeks later to find about 16 dead crabs, some naked and shrivelled.

Topic author

Post by Guest » Sat Aug 20, 2005 11:17 pm

I have 2 PP's and one seems to only use the plain water and other one always appears to go to saltwater. The salt I use says Hermit Crab salt on it(I was worried I mught get wrong kind), Is the OceanSea salt you buy for saltwater aquar. OK ?

Topic author

Post by Guest » Sun Aug 21, 2005 1:26 am

I would actually recommend the salt mix for salt water aquariums over the hermit crab stuff. More research has gone into making it.
