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Question About Water Dish Depth

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 6:04 pm
by fellowcrabber
Hi, I've got a question. What I'm wondering is how deep do the dishes need to be? I was using a shallow dish from Zoo Med but then switched to a 3-4 inch deep container. However, it is a pain to clean out, so I was wondering if it was really required. Thanks.

Re: Question About Water Dish Depth

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 7:16 pm
by shanedaman112
First of all, welcome to the HCA! For your crabs to be able to get a nice bath, and have a fun time, water dishes need to be deep enough for your biggest crabbie to submerge entirely. If you can't get one quite that big its alright as long as he/she can get their body most of the way in. You can use some needle point canvas (from michaels and other arts/crafts stores) to build little stairs/ramps. Cleaning them can be difficult, especially if there are rocks in there. You could pour it through a strainer then rinse it out.? Whatever you choose to do, good luck :)

Re: Question About Water Dish Depth

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 4:42 pm
by Krusty Krab
My FW dish is 4 inches deep. I put shells that the crabbies can't use in it. They can get in and out of it easily. (The shells are easy for hermies to grip onto) There is only about 4 shells in the dish, so it is easier to clean than rocks or pebbles. Hermies sure do put the H in Houdini, they are escape artists and can surprise you!!!

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