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distilled water?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 11:44 am
by crabby1
Is it necessary for me to eventually or immediately switch to using distilled water when mixing up my salt water? I've heard that the instant ocean has a few minerals that are already in our tap water ,so this could become harmful to the crabs after a time ( this is what my normal routine I measure up 3 gallons of tap water and measure up 1/4 of ml of sea chem prime to declorinate the tap water then divide a gallon up and mix the 1/2 cup of instant ocean in it to use for their salt water). I'm just wondering if I live in an area whose ph is not perfect or has too much of a certain mineral and then the crabs would be slowly poisoned God forbid.And if I do have to use distilled do I still first have to use my sc prime to declorinate it first?

Re: distilled water?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 12:53 pm
by Crabinski
Nope, distilled water is not necessary: just stay with the routine you've been following. I live in an area with incredibly hard water, chock-a-block with minerals, use API Betta dechlorinator and Instant Ocean and have had happy, healthy crabs for years.

Re: distilled water?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 1:25 pm
by mool
My crabs have always been healthy and I too live in an area with liquid rock for water. I use Prime and IO.

Re: distilled water?

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 8:10 am
by crabby1
Thanks I kinda have stopped stressing sooo,sooo much as I first did when I just started learning about them, when my son first brought home our first in June 2015. I do though still follow what everyone around me considers spoiling them.