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Quick water question :)

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 8:27 am
by Jojobeansy
Today I noticed one of my crabbies was "drinking" the condensation on the inside of the tank (scraping droplets of water with his little pincher then bringing them to his mouth). Does this mean something is wrong with the water bowls I have (placement, too deep, etc.), or was it just convenient for him at that moment? LOL. I've never noticed any of them doing that before.

Re: Quick water question :)

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 8:38 am
by soilentgringa
No, nothing is wrong. They just do that.

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Re: Quick water question :)

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 9:15 am
by Jojobeansy
Thank you :)

Re: Quick water question :)

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 10:03 am
by Dragonfreak
Marley loves to hunt for water.... If you mist the side they stretch up further...You can tell the sex.

love my babies..human ones too!!

Re: Quick water question :)

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 1:08 pm
by GotButterflies
My crabs taste everything around the tank! Completely normal behavior like Soilentgringa stated

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Re: Quick water question :)

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 2:30 pm
by Jojobeansy
Dragonfreak wrote:Marley loves to hunt for water.... If you mist the side they stretch up further...You can tell the sex.

love my babies..human ones too!!

Hmm I might have to try that!! I only have one I was able to tell and that's because he was hanging from the moss pit in such a position I could see :) I just decided which ones were girls and which were boys. LOL!

Re: Quick water question :)

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 3:53 pm
by Dragonfreak
That's what I do unless they stretch

love my babies..human ones too!!

Re: Quick water question :)

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 6:30 am
by CrabbyMommy2017
Same here @Jonobeansy

I figure they dont care if i call them by the wrong gender, LOL. Plus, mine are named after the kids' cartoon show characters from Storybots, (Beep, Bing, Bang, Boop, RIP-Bo), which is hard to keep up with. (Im not even sure which character is named which on the TV show, and we've been watching it for a long time now with my kids). Thats why i usually call the crabs by their shell description/behavior, (Small Shy Guy, Large Shy Guy, Little Guy, Orange Guy).

I guess if I ever do get to tell the gender of one of them, I might have to change their actual names around. But in the StoryBots show, only one of the five characters is a girl. So if we're really going to go truly into the whole 'naming them after the StoryBots' thing, then I guess it would only truly work out if I ended up with just one female. Another good reason not to bother with sexing them. Lol.
