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Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 2:01 am
by Scarletfire
I know we need salt for marine environments
And not just freshwater salt which is just non-ionozed regular salt... But why do the crabs need it? I thoguth they get most of their minerals for molting and exoskeleton from diet (I.e eggshells).

Anything specific in marine environments that the need? It won't change that I will use instant ocean, but just for my understanding.

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Re: Saltwater

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 8:37 am
by JoeHermits
Marine saltwater contains over seventy different elements, including necessary salts and minerals.

Yes, they can get those from food, but they evolved with saltwater and know how to use it for both dietary intake and shell water regulation.

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Re: Saltwater

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 10:56 am
by JoeHermits
For reference, I am attaching a screenshot of a document I received from Instant Ocean comparing their product to actual seawater.


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