My purple pinchers don't use pools

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My purple pinchers don't use pools

Post by cilla » Thu May 04, 2023 11:42 am


This is my first time posting, although I have read some great info by googling different questions.

I have 3 small purple pinchers. I don't know their sexes yet, but there's Cloe, Westley & Princess Buttercup. Cloe was the first to move in on Mar 9. The other 2 joined Mar 17.

I have 2 pools, one fresh & one salt (Instant Ocean). I keep them clean. I have found no evidence that any of them have been in either pool. I don't have bubblers as I read on here somewhere that was an option, but not necessary. I worry about their lack of water intake. Before I invest money on a bubbler system, do you think that will draw them to the pools? If so, is there a system that you all would recommend?

How do I add photos? I have pics of the crabitat & pools. When I click on the photo icon, Image comes up. Also tried copying them into post.

Thank you. I have other questions & will find the appropriate place to post them.


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Re: My purple pinchers don't use pools

Post by IamSam » Thu May 04, 2023 3:51 pm

Different types of hermit crabs swim more than others. PP's are a more of a sit on the side and dip a toe in type of crab.
I have 2 PP's myself and at first I was worried they weren't using the pools too. It took me time to realize that they at all times carry a mix of salt and fresh water in their shell's and just because I don't see them using the pools doesn't mean they're not getting water. As long as they have a way in and out of the pools they'll figure it out.

I've had my crabs just under a year but I'll do my best to answer any question that I can.

(Oh! Since your new I'll tell you the advice that saved one of my crabs. Post purchase stress is a thing and never assume a crab has died before they start to smell fishy. New crabs can appear dead and even drop their limbs if going through PPS. I was convinced my one crab had died but he ate his dropped legs and slowly got better. Was the weirdest thing. )

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Re: My purple pinchers don't use pools

Post by GotButterflies » Sat May 06, 2023 3:16 pm

My crabs seem to really enjoy their pools. The bubbler system really isn't that much money! :) It really depends on the crab as to if they like to swim or not. I have some that love it, and some that do just toe dip or leg dip. You do need to make your pools "cozy, or inviting" though. You can use aquarium decor to help with that. Craft mesh along the sides so they feel safe helps also. :)
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Re: My purple pinchers don't use pools

Post by CrabbyLover77 » Sat May 06, 2023 6:53 pm

My guys have always been toe dippers. The only time I ever see them submerge is if I accidently scare one and they are on the edge of a pool and fall in lol! I always give them a lift back out of course.

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Re: My purple pinchers don't use pools

Post by cilla » Sat May 06, 2023 9:34 pm

Thank you. I thought I would find sand in the pools to determine if they are being used. I hope they’re toe-tipping when I don’t see them.

I never see more than 1 at a time & 2 of them have changed shells so often, I’m not sure who is who now. I do know that Princess Buttercup has been under since the day she arrived in March.

I attached 2 pics (I hope). Thank you again.


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