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Wood in water pool

Posted: Mon May 29, 2023 2:29 am
by andyasdgfh
I recently upgraded one of my pools to a small 1 gallon fresh water pool. I have an egg crate ramp set up so they can climb in and out.

It's been about a month and I haven't seen them dip in once. I tend to stay up late and have caught them use their old small salt water pool but not the new fresh one.

Today I saw one of my crabs stand right at the edge of the pool and stair at the ramp and water but didn't go in.

Was thinking of changing their way in and out.

Would mopani wood or spider wood be okay. How mold prone do you guys think it would be?
Any other suggestions or experiences is much appreciated :crabblush:

Re: Wood in water pool

Posted: Mon May 29, 2023 11:15 pm
by curlysister
Unfortunately, wood can wick water out of the pool, and can decay in the water.
Personally, I have always had 'wading' pools for my crabs, they have never been deep enough for my crabs to submerge. PPs tend to be toe- dippers LOL. So you could always go back to the smaller pools.

Re: Wood in water pool

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 1:08 am
by andyasdgfh
Man, so much time and money invested in this new pool 🥲

I have a fake plant wall back ground they like to climb that I cut and zip tied into a stair as a final result. This seems more sturdy.

If this doesn't work then I might switch back. Hopefully this works. I see them want to go in, I just don't think they liked the spider wood or egg crate stair.


Re: Wood in water pool

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 11:21 am
by Chickadee23
[mention]andyasdgfh [/mention] was reading through this topic and saw your post. Curious if your crabs ever adjusted to the new pool or if you switched back to a smaller one?

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