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Do PP (purple pinchers) need salt water?

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 11:51 am
by Guest
I have 2 medium sized pp and im not only using fresh water now...

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 11:53 am
by Guest
All species of crabs should have access to salt water at all times. They adjust the salinity of their shell water by mixing fresh and salt. PPs might not use as much salt water as perlatus, but they should still have it.

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 11:56 am
by Guest
PP's don't need salt water, but I recommend it for all species, as will most people here at the HCA. I built in a salt water & fresh water pool for my 29g, and the first hermie to go into it was Boo, a PP. So even though they may not need it, they like to have access to it as well. :)

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 3:45 pm
by Guest
I have 3 PP and put saltwater in the tank a few weeks ago. The first 3 nights they drained it dry. They love it. I am glad I started putting it in there. It is not very expensive and they seem to really enjoy it.

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 3:58 pm
by Guest
Heh i had had PPs for 3 months when I found out about the salt water and put some in. They all molted that following month, some within days of sitting in the salt water *chuckles* so yes i think they need it.