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I'm afraid my water bowl may not be deep enough?

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 8:49 pm
by Faenauliel
I'm pretty new at this particular addiction, but it is very important to me that my critters are happy and healthy. That said, the more I've been reading, I'm afraid that the water bowls that the pet store suggested may not be deep enough. Actually, the pet store near my house seems a bit clueless in general about land hermits because they told me I only have to give them a fresh water bowl. I knew that wasn't the case so I just bought two of the one they suggested in order to give them a salt water bowl too!

However, the bowls are not deep enough for the crabs to really 'bathe' themselves in. They can tiptoe through them and drink from them, but is it imperative that they be able to be submerged?

I am planning to build pools in the new 40 gal. tank I got because the 14 gal. tat is just too small.... but that project is going to take a week or two before it's ready for me to add the crabs. Do you think that my current 14 gal. tank with the shallow water dishes will suffice for that long?


Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 9:26 pm
by MamaZelly
You can always use a rubbermaid or gladware-type container in the meantime. Just add some pebbles to the bottom to adjust the depth, and make sure the beensie ones ave a way to climb out. Even a mayo jar lid or a peanut butter lid would do the trick. I'd be willing to bet that you have something suitable around the house that would work just fine. :)

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 12:56 am
by Guest
One thing I'm curious about: Does the crab have to be able to submerge, shell and all? Or just the major parts of his/her body?

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 1:18 am
by Guest
Depending on the size of your crab will depend on how deep you want to make it, ours is around an inch or so but most of our hermies can submerge perfectly in that depth, we have some rather smaller crabs which kinda of jump in then straight out or hang on the side and clean. If the hermies want water right up inside their shells they will duck down as well into the water from what I have seen from observation then stand up again and scuttle out to use their legs to wash themselves down.

it's quite cute and interesting, i reccommend around an inch or so depending on the size of your crab, if not make it an inch and do what mamazelly said and put some rocks or things to climb on like plastic plants etc.