Is my crab going to surface molt?

This forum is where you discuss issues relating to molting hermit crabs, including pre- and post-molting issues. If you are having a molting emergency please post in the Emergency Forum.
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Is my crab going to surface molt?

Post by Pinkpopcorn » Tue Jul 05, 2016 6:12 pm

Hi, I'm worried that my medium size crab is going to surface molt. I got him a month and half ago from a beach souvenir shop with horrible conditions. She showed signs of PPS when I first got him but later showed signs of improvement. He started eating and drinking and exploring the tank at night. He only comes out when the room is completely dark (the stubborn thing!). He switched shells multiple times. But in the past three days he has not come out of his log. I've tried to put a dish of honey near the entrance because that lured him out before but this time he didn't touch it. He hasn't molted with me yet so I'm worried he might surface molt. I would love it if someone can tell me what the signs are of a surface molt. My substrate is about 8 inches deep with a mix of plays and and Eco earth. I try to keep the humidity around 75%. Temperature is 80 degrees during the day but falls to 75 at night. Should I isolate him? Any help will be greatly appreciated!

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Re: Is my crab going to surface molt?

Post by Renroc » Tue Jul 05, 2016 10:27 pm

If your sub is deep enough and the crab is able to dig they are unlikely to surface molt. If the crab has come from horrible conditions it is likely that it is simply chilling and destressing. Provide deep pools of salt and fresh water and good food with lots of calcium and protein and your crab should be OK. Try and keep the temp at 80 and the humidity at 80% also. Cover the tank at night to help keep the temperature up.
Crazy crab lady with 1 male raised in captivity who is now 7 yrs old (Dec 23) and a 2 females I've added from rehoming or adoptions to add to my breeding colony.

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Re: Is my crab going to surface molt?

Post by Pinkpopcorn » Wed Jul 06, 2016 1:23 pm

Thank you for the quick reply! I appreciate the help and advise! My hermit actually surprised me last night by popping out of his hide out. I later caught him picking on one my smaller crabs. He immediately pushed him away when he saw me. Looks like he's eating again. I guess some crabs just go through periods of rest? Glad to see he's ok. Thank you again!

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