My biggest PP, Sebastian, has been with me for 1 year+ and NEVER molted with me! I began worrying that he'd refuse to molt and just die. Recently though, he disappeared and I was hoping for the best (molting).
I was right! Two nights ago I saw him and I was so excited! The thing is, he's large, but was only gone for about 4 weeks, should I worry? I was told they take longer than that.
Also, he used to be blind in one eye and I was told he could recover over numerous molts. His eye isn't as gray anymore, but idk if it's fully recovered.
Either way; he's all hairy and has sharp legs and his colors are gorgeous! It's funny bc his exo used to be all worn down and his shell was all shiny and perfect but now HE is shiny and perfect and the shell is worn down! Haha, anyways, here he is. ♡
He's beautiful!!
My 2nd crab, Capt. Jack, molter for 4 weeks his first time. Then went back down for 3 weeks about 2 weeks later haha
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My 2nd crab, Capt. Jack, molter for 4 weeks his first time. Then went back down for 3 weeks about 2 weeks later haha
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