I have a med-large PP that molted 5 days ago. She only molted 'okay' as she is missing her outside left leg and has a strange indent on her BP. I took some pictures on day 4 and tonight (day 5). Do any of you know if she will be losing her BP? It opens and closes normally. She's also been very active for a molter yesterday and even moreso today. She is also not scared of me and would eat from my hand before the molt.
I filled her shell dish tonight with honey, fresh carrots, grapes, dried cranberries, and dried shrimp drizzled with some mealworms. She went so fast for the dish and was so busy eating that she didn't even seem to notice that I was snapping 40 or so pictures of her!!
Here's the pictures, I apologize if they are too large, I don't know how to make them smaller.

The indent is not soft or soft around it. It is just as hard as the rest of her legs. I sure hope she doesn't lose it!
Day 4 after molt:

Day 5 after molt:

There's more pictures of her in my photo album linked in my signature if you want to see more of her.
Do you guys think she will be okay? Also, when is an okay time to put her back into the main tank?