My molting ISO flooded...

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My molting ISO flooded...

Post by wodesorel » Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:46 am

And I'm not sure how long ago it happened. The bottom three inches of sand was black and stunk of anaerobic bacteria. It was surprisingly only the sand - the EE side of the tank was fine. (Which is weird becuase a month ago the EE had started smelling funny but the sand was fine.)

Goji came up two days ago, and I realized that he was the largest of the group and had gone down weeks after the others did - so I knew something was wrong. So I decided to go digging, not sure of what I'd find. I moved over the top half of the substrate into a spare 10 gallon, and hadn't found any crabs.

The first one I found was a very dead Napoleon. :( This one really hurts because I've had him for months and this was his third molt with me. He was unique among the group because always had to have the largest shell, even if he could barely walk in it. I would put a larger shell in for the crabs that were twice his size and he'd steal it away in just a few minutes. It took forever to decide on a name for him, and for a while I was referring to him as Ferrari, but sassy Napoleon fit him better. I will REALLY miss him. :cry:

I found all the others buried at the very bottom of the tank. They all seem to be okay, but I don't know if there will be lasting effects on them. I can't figure out why they would have wanted to be in that stinking stuff!!! They all could have moved, and I just added two of them last week.

Blueberry was in the middle of his molt. Either he changed color completely (he was the darkest crab in the tank) or he had just popped his exo as he was a very light blue. I'm worried the most about him since he was exposed in all that bacteria.

Wrex was in there and I don't even remember having put him in there.... He was in the EE side so I'm not nearly as worried about him. I'm wondering where Sheldon is though, because I constantly confuse the two and I thought he was up in ISO and Wrex was in the main tank..... I'll have to do a main tank search tomorrow. I'm a bit nervous about that!

Callisto and Edwina seem to be okay and hadn't started molting yet. I just moved them up there last week.

All four have been covered with dishes in the 10 gallon and I'll see how they do. I'm going to have to set up the other 10 gallon as a second molt ISO for the rest of the big guys when they go to molt. (Don't know where I'm going to get a heat lamp, but I'm sure I can figure something out.)

I'm not sure what to do long term. I was just planning on setting up the new 30 as a larger molt ISO, but now I'm not sure. I'm really glad I didn't have my main tank set up with that much substrate!

Is there a trick to keeping a foot of sand or EE from rotting??? I wasn't adding water until the top three inches was completely dry. This really shouldn't have happened. :(
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Post by snickersnflip » Thu Dec 02, 2010 4:40 pm

Im so sorry that your little guy passed away :cry: he sounded like a funny lil dude. I wonder how that happened too. Did a water dish spill and you didnt notice or something? I didnt even know that sand could "rot " like that!

Im so sorry this happened and i wish i could be more help :/

p.s. My first crab's name was sheldon :)
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Post by DustAndEchoes » Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:11 pm

Maybe it was from buried food?
I'm sorry you lost Napoleon :(
I hope your other crabbies come up all right! :comfort: [smilie=luck.gif]

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Post by wodesorel » Thu Dec 02, 2010 10:23 pm

It was a molt only ISO - never had any food in it. I kept having re-wet the sand since the top three inches were constantly drying out. I guess the water just kept sinking to the bottom.

I've been thinking about it all day, and I think what happened was that organic material from the EE side got carried in the water to under the sand, where it got trapped with no oxygen to reach it and the bacteria just bloomed since it was dark, wet, and warm. It STINKS so badly, and I have to wait for my hubby to help me gut the thing on trash day. Grr.

I think I'll stick to shallower sand-only molting ISOs for the time being. And I won't be so concerned with dry tops, either. :?
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