Two of my crabs are buried or molting, the third I know has molted because he left a window. He's currently munching on his exo. I'm moving to a new place in a week and I'm worried that they'll all still be under by that time.
How do I move a 30gal without disturbing molters? I'm going to have to remove most of the sand to move it at all. Any ideas on how this can be handled?
Crabs are molting/buried and I'm moving in a week
Topic author
Here is a thread about how to cut around molters and remove them from the tank. ... hp?t=41322
You could move them into a smaller container. When you got to the new place, I'd be inclined to leave them in the smaller container and if you were unable to maintain proper temperature and humidity in the small container, then set up the 30gal as normal with correct temperature and humidity and place the smaller container inside the 30gal.
You could even use 3 separate small containers if all three are molting. ... hp?t=41322
You could move them into a smaller container. When you got to the new place, I'd be inclined to leave them in the smaller container and if you were unable to maintain proper temperature and humidity in the small container, then set up the 30gal as normal with correct temperature and humidity and place the smaller container inside the 30gal.
You could even use 3 separate small containers if all three are molting.