I have 3 crabs down right now. One has been for over a month and a half (the largest) and the other 2 have been for about 3 weeks. I slid the tank over and peeked through the bottom because I was worried that they had been down so long. These are my fist crabs and I was told it he new crab section they were probably destressing but I was still worried so I just hoped t see some movement if possible.( This was about 2 weeks ago.) They were moving some legs so I was feeling much better and assumed it was detsressing. Last night I was doing a water change and curiosity got the best of me so I stole another quick look while I had the tank pulled away from the wall. All three are moving still but his time the larger crab who has been under the longest has white flaky stuff around him and so does one of the smaller guys. They seem to be picking a it and maybe even eating it. Is his their Exo? Are they are now molting? Should they be okay even if not in ISO while they are molting? The crab who has been up all along doesn't seem to be in that corner very much at all so I think they have been left to do their thing without being disturbed. I am also wondering if the fact that they don't have a tunnel leading out of their hiding spots is something I should be concerned about? I moved some things away from the area directly above them when I first found out were they were so they should be able to get out when they are ready.
Thanks again for your help!