by Lyn Penn » Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:18 am
I had cleaned Hubert's tat yesterday and he was playing happily with his buddies in the sink. When I got thru I put them all back. Hubert after about 5 hours haden't moved, so, I looked at him. He fell out of his shell, had a dull eyed look, but still was able to move his abdomen a little. I put him back in his shell, and watched T.V. holding him in my hand and stroking his B.P. Then he wasn't moving anymore, so I was sure he was gone. Instead of going to the basement and putting him in his coffin (pill bottle) for burial in Florida when I leave in 4 days, I put him in the ISO until the next morning. Well, expecting to wake up a dead crab, there was his exo and deep inside was bright eyes staring out at me!

I must have caught him in the beginning stage of a molt, my luck surface, of course. So now he's all settled in his ISO and we may be taking a molter all the way to Florida in my foot well, not the first time, by the way. He may still not make it, but for now, I'm estatic. Moral of the story, a crab isn't dead until you give him enough time and smell the death smell! Hurray for Hubert

Proud Mom to Princess (lab) PP's , , Humphrey ,Heloise. andHershey my Crabbie Angels Hercules, Hanry VIII, Henry the 9th, Harry, Hymes Hermione, Harriet, Hanibal and Heidi,and Helen and special Horatio and Herman,and Harvey Huckleberry and Happy and Humberto Hulio Herkimer and precious Hubert