Streaking Underground?
Streaking Underground?
I've never had the opportunity to actually watch a crab molt, but is it common for them to go fully naked when they do? I just got three blueberries recently, and they all looked in need of a molt, and all have been up and down eating and digging. Now there's one under the water dish, and he's left me a nice little window. Unfortunately this means I can clearly see his squishy butt, but not his shell. What's making me nervous is that there's another crab in the same hole just a bit down from him. Obviously I don't want to disturb him if he is molting, but I'm gonna be really ticked if that other crab is just sitting around waiting for an easy, squishy meal.
Re: Streaking Underground?
They do not leave their shells to molt. Something's wrong if they do. Naked crabs are very vulnerable and should be reshelled asap. You can do that by placing the crab in a clean glass on top of a couple suitable shells. Make sure the crab and shells are clean too. The glass should only be large enough to fit the crab on top of the shell/s - this makes it so they have little choice but to check out the available shells. Place it inside the crabitat to keep conditions correct. If the crab won't reshell on their own, you may need to carefully help them into a shell. In that case a slightly too big shell works a little better. Good luck getting him/her to reshell!
Re: Streaking Underground?
Thanks for the quick response! I'll get him out of there asap.
Edit: He re-shelled almost immediately. Thank you!
Edit: He re-shelled almost immediately. Thank you!