Injured Blue Up From First Molt

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Injured Blue Up From First Molt

Post by mom23 » Sat Nov 01, 2014 8:33 am

I took in several injured blues from LHC to try to save them. This morning one of them came up! He was missing his BP. He has grown a new BP but it is very small in comparison to what it should be. He is definitely getting around better than he was before the molt. He switched shells first thing and I have put it all of my post molt goodies. I am wondering how long I should keep him in ISO? Do I have to keep him there until he molts again or can I (after a few days of recovery time) move him to the main tank? Out of 4 blues I believe only 2 will make it. There are 2 more that dug down, but it was mid August and they haven't come up yet and 1 lonely female in the main tank that is doing great. I'm sure she would like a buddy, but I don't want to move the one out of ISO until he's ready.

It's a full house now! 8 straws, 7 pp, 5 indos, 5 ruggies, 3 violas, 4 fish, 1 dog, 3 kids, 1 husband and me!

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Re: Injured Blue Up From First Molt

Post by mom23 » Sat Nov 01, 2014 8:47 am

Also in your opinion if an injured blue (missing legs) dug down Aug 19 would you think he had passed at this point? I really need to deep clean that ISO tank, but have been waiting hoping he would come up. He was small in size. There is also a medium blue that went down the first of September that I fear has passed as well.
It's a full house now! 8 straws, 7 pp, 5 indos, 5 ruggies, 3 violas, 4 fish, 1 dog, 3 kids, 1 husband and me!

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Re: Injured Blue Up From First Molt

Post by CallaLily » Sat Nov 01, 2014 9:12 am

If your one blue is up and about - climbing, eating, drinking, etc like normal - I would go ahead and move him to the main tank. Don't forget a quick dip in the FW pool to make him smell familiar to the other crabs.

I would personally wait a bit longer with the ones still under. It does sound like a long time for small crabs but they may have spent a lot of time destressing before actually molting. It wouldn't be good at all to disturb them if they are ok. I'm always of the mind that there isn't anything you can do if they've passed but if they haven't, you could cause a lot more harm then good. I hope they surprise you and resurface soon.

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Re: Injured Blue Up From First Molt

Post by mom23 » Sat Nov 01, 2014 10:34 am

The one blue up in ISO seems to be doing well so far. He's been busy this morning. He doesn't walk normally because the BP is small, but seems to be getting around alright. I think I'll give him the weekend to eat plenty of good food and then move him over (after a bath). I'm sure the female blueberry will be happy to have a buddy (although she hangs with one particular straw and some ruggies most of the time).

I will wait a while on cleaning the ISO. It does need a good cleaning and thorough substrate mix. The other blue is in the 60 and I won't ever go looking for him. If he comes up that'd be awesome, if not I won't be digging around in there. It's funny because I thought the injured one that just came up would be the one not to make it and the others would. The one with no BP had a terrible time getting around and looked so bad. I guess I should have known he was a fighter because I watched him slowly dig his way down to molt. It was difficult for him, but he did it. Now I'm praying the others just decided to de-stress for weeks before actually molting. I hadn't thought of that.
It's a full house now! 8 straws, 7 pp, 5 indos, 5 ruggies, 3 violas, 4 fish, 1 dog, 3 kids, 1 husband and me!

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Re: Injured Blue Up From First Molt

Post by birdbaby19 » Sun Nov 02, 2014 11:11 pm

What are your post most goodies?

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Re: Injured Blue Up From First Molt

Post by mom23 » Sun Nov 02, 2014 11:18 pm

I make a yummy treat with all of their favorites. It is rolled oats, organic peanut butter, either organic raw honey or organic maple syrup with bee pollen & fresh shredded coconut on top and walnuts and sunflower seeds on the side. They love it!!! I also do a veggie omelet if I have eggs. If not I give them fresh veggies and banana or Apple (the favorites) with preferably shrimp that I keep in the freezer, but if I'm out of that I'll give them tuna or something. It's a feast.
It's a full house now! 8 straws, 7 pp, 5 indos, 5 ruggies, 3 violas, 4 fish, 1 dog, 3 kids, 1 husband and me!

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Re: Injured Blue Up From First Molt

Post by mom23 » Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:40 am

Just to update the blue I moved to the 150 seems to be doing fine. I saw him sitting way up high so obviously his small BP isn't hindering him too bad. I went ahead and dug for the other blue in ISO and he was dead as I feared. :( That does not give me much hope for the other blue that dug down in the 60 around the same time. I won't go digging for him though. So out of 5 blues only 2 survived. I'm also starting to think that only one of my Cavipes has made it. I hate only having one. He's with the PP's but he's always alone. Wondering if I should ship him to someone who has healthy cavipes? :(
It's a full house now! 8 straws, 7 pp, 5 indos, 5 ruggies, 3 violas, 4 fish, 1 dog, 3 kids, 1 husband and me!

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Re: Injured Blue Up From First Molt

Post by CallaLily » Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:55 am

So sorry for your losses. :(

Did we ever determine if they were indeed cavipes? Did I miss the pics? I've been really curious about them.

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Re: Injured Blue Up From First Molt

Post by mom23 » Wed Nov 05, 2014 11:00 am

Though I'll admit my knowledge is limited I do believe they are cavipes. I can't post pictures because of tapatalk's issues. I had tiny violas in with the cavipes at first and they don't look alike and the shells are different and they didn't hang out together. Unlike my violas that hide all day the cavipes (now cavipe) never ever hides. He's out all day/night long. He really needs a buddy. I'm heartbroken for him.
It's a full house now! 8 straws, 7 pp, 5 indos, 5 ruggies, 3 violas, 4 fish, 1 dog, 3 kids, 1 husband and me!

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Re: Injured Blue Up From First Molt

Post by CallaLily » Wed Nov 05, 2014 11:06 am

I forgot you were having tapatalk issues too. That stinks. I really hope they get it fixed soon. I'm dying to see pics of these guys! Anyone else get cavipes?

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Re: Injured Blue Up From First Molt

Post by mom23 » Wed Nov 05, 2014 11:06 am

The cavipes did well at first (or so I thought) but then PPS hit. 2 passes, 1 could possibly be alive and still molting and that leaves me 1. Though I'm fearing that like the 2 blues that died while molting that he may not come up either. Since my baby straw molted fine in the 60 as well as 1 cavipe and I straw tested the substrate it seems fine and of course the other blue died in ISO where one molted fine there so I'm guessing they were just too stressed to make it. :(
It's a full house now! 8 straws, 7 pp, 5 indos, 5 ruggies, 3 violas, 4 fish, 1 dog, 3 kids, 1 husband and me!

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Re: Injured Blue Up From First Molt

Post by mom23 » Wed Nov 05, 2014 11:09 am

Yes I hate the tapatalk issues. I've got the most stinkin' cute baby straw pictures plus the cavipe and my indo that I've been fearing would pass for a YEAR finally molted. It's been very exciting around my crab world with of course some very sad losses surrounding this last LHC order.
It's a full house now! 8 straws, 7 pp, 5 indos, 5 ruggies, 3 violas, 4 fish, 1 dog, 3 kids, 1 husband and me!

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Re: Injured Blue Up From First Molt

Post by mom23 » Wed Nov 05, 2014 11:10 am

I know some others got cavipes. I should post to see how they are doing. Do you think I should mover the cavipe to the 150 so at least crabs are out during the day for him to hang out with?
It's a full house now! 8 straws, 7 pp, 5 indos, 5 ruggies, 3 violas, 4 fish, 1 dog, 3 kids, 1 husband and me!

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Re: Injured Blue Up From First Molt

Post by CallaLily » Wed Nov 05, 2014 2:13 pm

Congrats on the Indo finally molting!

I'm really not sure which tank would be best suited for the cavipes. If he seems to be doing well where he is I probably wouldn't move him for fear of stressing him again so soon. But I have zero experience with exotics so if someone else who does have the experience feels differently, go with that.

Edit: Now I know exactly how you're feeling with the Tapatalk issues! I just noticed Cinnamon up from his molt (around 2 months down), all hairy. Snapped pics and was excited to share....then I remembered I can't. :(
