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Molting, PICTURES!!!

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 5:06 pm
by Allyb01
Over the time period that the HCA was down for maintenance, I've had a lot, and I mean A LOT, of molts. Twinkie has been molting like crazy and now is GIANT. Ahh! Little Nugget is not so little anymore and now fits perfectly into Bumbi's old shell. And SQUIDGY!!!! He decided to molt right beside the glass! So when I saw him just laying there for days, I decided to cover the little hole where I could see him with black electrical tape. It started his molting IMMEDIATELY! I took a peek a couple days later and this is what I found...Image ImageImage
As you can see, the pinky little skinny part is Squidgy. The other old, dry-looking part is his exoskeleton. I watched him for a few seconds munching on the exoskeleton but then replaced the tape. It was AMAZING! I'm so glad I go to see this.Image

Proud owner of 4 PPs,Twinkie, Tiny, Nugget, and Squidgy. :)
R.I.P Bumbie + Tweedles

Re: Molting, PICTURES!!!

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 5:17 pm
by hermitcrabdc
Congrats on the molt! Neat picture too :)

Re: Molting, PICTURES!!!

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 11:59 pm
by Neona
That is very neat! What a cool thing to be able to photograph.
