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Weird Molter

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:31 pm
by EmmaBatGirl
I've had my PPs for about 2 and a half months now. Love it! They are so interesting to watch. About a month and a half ago my smaller crab (I have two) began a molt. I was really happy, because he was very pale when I got him and was clearly in need of one.

He came up today. I walked in and he was hanging out on the lid. He had a nice dark red color. Everything was great. He soaked in the saltwater but didn't eat anything.

About an hour after he came up he dug back down underneath the moss. I can see the tip of his shell, so he isn't all the way under. I'm gonna set up my time-lapse camera tonight to see if he comes up. Has anyone else had the same thing happen? I'm probably just worried, it's his first molt with me and my first molt ever!

Thank you! :D

Re: Weird Molter

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:49 pm
by AutumnHermie
This is quite normal :D some of my crabbies refuse to stay on the surface of the day and I just see them at night :hlol:

And is it a moss pit or moss on the surface?? Some crabbies love their moss! :D :hlol:

Hope that helps :D

Re: Weird Molter

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:40 pm
by me n my hermikids
Mine will bury during the day for 2-5 consecutive days before the stay down, and then once they are done molting and come up, they will "dig in" each day and come up at night for several nights before feeling confident enough(?) To stay up.

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Re: Weird Molter

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 1:34 pm
by marandashermies
that is normal with a recently molted crab. I just had 4 come up within days of one another, they bury during the day and come out eat and destroy the tank at night. I have noticed that when a crab just comes up from a molt, they don't really want to be seen or bothered. Mine all scurry away when they see me coming. After a few days to a week they will start to stick around and let you observe them without a care in the world. I guess they feel like they are back to the routine and remember who we are :)