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What is it.. strange tumor?

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 3:53 pm
by cro




I noticed that my baby has got something strange like a bump after molting.
She eats well and drinks water well. She looks healthy. except for that tumor. It's soft on the head.
But I don't know what it is. I'm so worried.
If anyone knows what it is, please let me know.
I have a video, but I don't know is it okay if I leave a link. if there is a problem I will delete it.

Video link right this way. you can see how soft that thing. ... 239397559/ ... 879394495/

PS. Thanks. I edited Pic links. I think you can see the pic now..!

Re: What is it.. strange tumor?

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 4:02 pm
by curlysister
The photos are not showing up for me.
Are you able to use the app Tapatalk, or a file sharing website?

Re: What is it.. strange tumor?

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 4:08 pm
by JoeHermits
A link to a video is fine!

Photo posting guide: viewtopic.php?t=87783

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: What is it.. strange tumor?

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 4:12 pm
by cro
Oh, I fixed it!! Thanks!!

I leave a video link ... 239397559/

Re: What is it.. strange tumor?

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 4:30 pm
by cro
Thanks to you. I edited I think it's working now :D

Re: What is it.. strange tumor?

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 5:01 pm
by wodesorel
If he is ever a willing subject, more photos if how that thing attaches to his carapace would be amazing!

I mean.. Well.. Yeah. It could be a tumour. It's definitely an abnormal growth!! There are a few possibilities though as to how it formed, and I would not go panicking just yet. He needs to moult, and you need to see if it is there after. I have seen some weird exo presentations due to moulting glitches before, and I still think that is a strong possibility here!

I looked up to see if there are any records of tumour growths in crustaceans, and it's only been documented 15 times in decapods. Most of those were never confirmed by biopsy (it has to be diagnosed via the cellular structure) so the author of the compilation paper couldn't even guarantee all of them. I could not find images to compare, either. Now, I don't think that means a whole lot honestly, it just means that is how many it was written about! I've had what were supposed to be really rare conditions in cats and snakes where only a paper or two existed, but there is no way we could have statistically had that many animals with that rare of a condition that many times if it really was so rare.

Re: What is it.. strange tumor?

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 5:19 pm
by cro I can't do anything for my baby English is not good. so I didn't find about molting tumour as much as you .So I really appreciate your information. I wonder how it was formed and what kind of moulting glitches.I'm just worried about the next moulting.
It's really an abnormal growth. she did molting once a month in a row.(from January to June) She's never done that before.
Oh Please. I hope it disappears. :-(

Re: What is it.. strange tumor?

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2020 11:44 am
by Maddamay32
wodesorel wrote:If he is ever a willing subject, more photos if how that thing attaches to his carapace would be amazing!

I mean.. Well.. Yeah. It could be a tumour. It's definitely an abnormal growth!! There are a few possibilities though as to how it formed, and I would not go panicking just yet. He needs to moult, and you need to see if it is there after. I have seen some weird exo presentations due to moulting glitches before, and I still think that is a strong possibility here!

I looked up to see if there are any records of tumour growths in crustaceans, and it's only been documented 15 times in decapods. Most of those were never confirmed by biopsy (it has to be diagnosed via the cellular structure) so the author of the compilation paper couldn't even guarantee all of them. I could not find images to compare, either. Now, I don't think that means a whole lot honestly, it just means that is how many it was written about! I've had what were supposed to be really rare conditions in cats and snakes where only a paper or two existed, but there is no way we could have statistically had that many animals with that rare of a condition that many times if it really was so rare.
Do you have some sort of secret crab files that you have access to? You never cease to amaze me!

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