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Missing limb
Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 9:03 am
by jordangarza
One of my hermies just resurfaced from molting (that I noticed) last night, and I noticed he is missing one of his claws. Is this okay? Did I do anything to cause it?
Re: Missing limb
Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 2:37 pm
by GotButterflies
It's possible that your hermit crab could have 1) been attacked while molting or 2) had a bad molt which caused him to lose that leg.
If you provide him with with all of the essential items necessary on the food pyramid, as well as plenty of calcium, he/she will grow the limb back within the next couple of molts.
Hermit crabs can eat a lot of the same things that we eat. Just check to make sure the item is on the safe list. Foods should be organic when possible. Hermit crabs are sensitive to pesticides and fertilizers.
You also want to provide one or more calcium sources at all times. Examples would be Cuttlebone, Organic Eggshell, Oyster Shell, Lobster Exo, Shrimp Exo.
Make sure you cover all aspects of food pyramid
Safe food list: ... 25&t=92557
Unsafe food list: ... 25&t=92556
Food pyramid: ... 25&t=92554
Re: Missing limb
Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 12:40 pm
by jordangarza
Thank you!
Re: Missing limb
Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 4:31 pm
by GotButterflies
My pleasure!