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Very short molt

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 4:18 pm
by arosenbaum
I have 2 crabs that I've had since June. They are pretty small (idk how to describe, except that the shell sizes they like have about a 7/8" opening), so a little smaller than a golf ball I suppose. They started molting about a week after I first got them, one of them (the one in question today--Houdini) was down for about 2.5 weeks, the other (Phillip) was down for a month. Phillip went down again just about a month ago and is still down, and Houdini went down (I thought) on October 6th. However, he came up on the 17th (10 days)! I was really sure he was molting because I didn't see him at all during that time, and he is usually super active. For the last few days while he's been back up, he's been super active like normal, and nothing out of the ordinary as far as his behavior goes. Anyway, my question I guess is whether that's too short for a molt, or if some crabs can just molt super quickly! Maybe he just went down to hang out a bit, or somehow I missed him when he was up during the night (which I usually don't because I'm a night owl myself).

Re: Very short molt

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 4:56 pm
by AwesomeHermit
I doubt that he molted because 10 days would be very short.

Re: Very short molt

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 4:56 pm
by AwesomeHermit
I doubt that he molted because 10 days would be very short.