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Molting in PPS tank under pool
Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 9:33 pm
by Kurban627
I recently rescued 2 crabs and have them in a PPS tank set up (1" of substrate/20 gallon tank) while they get used to the heat and humidity slowly. I thought I knew where both crabs were located and decided to clean the pools. One was directly under the pool in a little cave it made. I feel sooo bad for disturbing the crab if it's trying to molt. I cleaned the pool and put it back gently. Hopefully the crab is ok. Their 30 days is now up for the PPS period. I'm assuming I need to wait until both crabs are out and about before upgrading the tank to the full set up (9" substrate, more climbing stuff, etc). If they were bought from a beach shop this summer and never molted with the previous owner, how long do you think this could be? Do you think the accidentally disturbed crab will be ok? I plan to place a plastic shelf on the sand under the pools when I have all of the sand in there. I didn't want them to molt in the PPS tank.
Re: Molting in PPS tank under pool
Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 9:38 am
by mool
PPS tanks, quarantine tanks, isolation tanks, or whatever you call them really aren't necessary. They were wildly popular a few years ago and everyone thought they were a "must." Nowadays, most people just dip their new crabs into the fresh water bowl of their main tank and let them go--with a few variations of personal preference. The idea behind "isolation tanks" is based on faulty science from anecdotal information of early crab keepers (i.e. "it worked for me...").
I rescued 500+ crabs at once from a pet store that was going out of business. They were all in a 40B tank with kitty litter and a piece of dried out pizza. No heat, no water, no humidity. I began buying tanks, heaters, substrate and other supplies and sorted the crabs into tanks. Long story short, they all lived. I plunged them all immediately into correct heat/humidity and proper food and water. This was circa 2008. I still have a few of them. The rest I rehomed.
If your crab is trying to molt, it doesn't have nearly enough substrate to properly bury itself. One oft stated reason for "PPS tanks" is to allow the crabs a much needed opportunity to molt in privacy and under optimal conditions. Since your pps tank lacks proper substrate, it kind of defeats the purpose. Can you add an inch or so of substrate everyday until the tank has a full 6" of sub?
Re: Molting in PPS tank under pool
Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 10:21 am
by HermieBingo
Just wondering, how big are your crabs, Kurban627?