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Surface Molter-How long to wait after exoskeleton?

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2021 10:34 pm
by jgonz97
I currently have a surface molter, he is isolated under half a bottle top which is also covered by a small towel to give him privacy and a dark environment. He has been like this for three weeks. I check on him every Friday and I still have not seen an exoskeleton. His legs are dangling out, looks lifeless, but does not smell so I am giving it the benefit of the doubt that he is still molting and not dead. Once I expect to see an exoskeleton, how much longer does he need to be isolated? My second crab is currently molting under so the tank is currently empty.

Re: Surface Molter-How long to wait after exoskeleton?

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2021 2:43 pm
by DragonsFly
If a crab is molting in iso, you should wait until they have resumed normal activity levels before allowing them to interact with others. The one molting underground will let you know when he is ready to resume interaction by coming up and out on his own. In the meantime, do not add more crabs to your set-up; your tank is not "empty," it is "full" of highly vulnerable molters. Best wishes!