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Hermit Crab lost BOTH claws during molt
Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2023 12:04 pm
by DiogenesLover
So my saltwater hermit crab molted and now I’m noticing it has lost both of its claws in the molt. I’m worried mostly about how I’m going to feed him since he can only use his legs to pull in food now. Is this normal for hermit crabs to do? Is it a stress-related thing? I don’t want to be hurting my hermit or stressing myself out for something that might be totally normal for a molt. Any answers would be greatly appreciated!
Re: Hermit Crab lost BOTH claws during molt
Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2023 6:24 pm
by JoeHermits
Losing limbs is usually a stress response, including to injuries or poor health. Is it still able to eat at all?
Note that this forum is for terrestrial hermit crabs so we may not have the best advice for you. A forum for saltwater aquariums may be better
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Re: Hermit Crab lost BOTH claws during molt
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 5:21 pm
by DiogenesLover
Good news, he’s still able to eat. He hasn’t suffered any recent injuries, and I’ve been doing the best I can to keep him happy and not stressed. The tank is in fine condition as well. My guess before this would be that he just accidentally pulled them off while sliding out of the exoskeleton. I know that molting can be stressful for hermit crabs, so that’s probably why they fell off. I’ll make sure to use a saltwater-related forum the next time a problem comes up. Thank you, and sorry for the late response!