Other crabs ate his exo!!
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 4:42 pm
So...I was looking at my tank last night, and I saw that about 3 crabs were all crowding one crab in the second level. When I looked closer, I saw that they were digging under the crab. I got worried, and picked the crab up and saw that he had molted (he did it between yesterday morning and that night because I saw him climbing before I went to sleep 2 nights ago) and the only assumption I could come to was that the other crabs had eaten his exo. When I picked him up, he was pale and very soft looking. He had no exo left. I put him in Iso on top of a clam shell with old exo from another previously molted crab. I checked this morning and he had buried down (right in the same spot as 2 other crabs) now Im worried that hes going to eat their exo. Anything that I can really do (hes already buried down and I worry that if I dig him up he'll get even more stressed out) other than just leave him alone?