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Other crabs ate his exo!!

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 4:42 pm
by Guest
So...I was looking at my tank last night, and I saw that about 3 crabs were all crowding one crab in the second level. When I looked closer, I saw that they were digging under the crab. I got worried, and picked the crab up and saw that he had molted (he did it between yesterday morning and that night because I saw him climbing before I went to sleep 2 nights ago) and the only assumption I could come to was that the other crabs had eaten his exo. When I picked him up, he was pale and very soft looking. He had no exo left. I put him in Iso on top of a clam shell with old exo from another previously molted crab. I checked this morning and he had buried down (right in the same spot as 2 other crabs) now Im worried that hes going to eat their exo. Anything that I can really do (hes already buried down and I worry that if I dig him up he'll get even more stressed out) other than just leave him alone?

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 4:53 pm
by Guest
Maybe sprinkle some calci-sand around them? And give them plenty of calcium rich food. That way, even if their exos get eaten, they still have plenty of sources of calcium

At least yours didnt get eaten :P
(RIP Digger)

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 6:00 pm
by Guest
ya i don't blame you for being worried. i honestly don't think he's gonna have the energy to get to them.. being freshly molted. i would scrape some cuttle bone off and put it in a clamshell and see if he comes up for it.. he may just go down and finish hardening and come up.. i'm so sorry to hear that..

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 10:33 pm
by Guest
Well he came back up at some point today and hes now in one of the huge shells i have in there. I put a clam shell with some calci-sand, baby shrimp, and cuttlebone along with some of the old exo, right next to him. Hopefully he'll eat some of that and be alright.