Horrible deforming molt!!! what do i do?

This forum is where you discuss issues relating to molting hermit crabs, including pre- and post-molting issues. If you are having a molting emergency please post in the Emergency Forum.

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Horrible deforming molt!!! what do i do?

Post by Guest » Sat Feb 25, 2006 11:32 am

I was cleaning up my crab tank when I uncovered one of my small E's. I have had him for two years and he has gone through many successful molts since i first got it but this time it appeared as though he was falling out of his shell. I was scared he had died but when I took a closer look I saw that all the legs and big claw on the left side of his body had joined together to form one long deformed leg/claw looking thing. I have never seen anything like this before, has anyone else? I have placed him in an iso tank but he still seems to be struggling. Because of this gross deformity he can't properly move around. He has two legs and his feeder claw on the other side but because of this claw and legs all formed together they are protruding way out of the shell and he seems unable to move it. Frankly it is very gross and disturbing looking. I'm concerned what to do with him and don't want him to suffer. Please does anyone have any advice what i can do for this poor tiny crab.

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Re: Horrible deforming molt!!! what do i do?

Post by Guest » Sat Feb 25, 2006 12:03 pm

Unfortunately, I don't think there's a lot you can do. If it's bothering him, he may drop the whole thing, which would make it even harder for him to move if there are no "good" legs on that side. Keep food and water near him, and maybe he'll go down for another molt soon.

I've never seen anything quite like that, but I know molting against hard surfaces can do funny things to their exo as it hardens, so maybe he was molting someplace that jammed his legs up against each other to the point where the exo hardened together.

Good luck!

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Post by Guest » Sat Feb 25, 2006 12:24 pm

:shock: :o

that's horrible!!

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Post by Guest » Sat Feb 25, 2006 12:40 pm

I know this may sound weird, but i wanna see pics, just because it sounds so weird.

Also, I would keep him in the iso. If he really cannot move, at all, you may want to schedule feeding and drinking times with him. Feed things that will be easy for him to eat, like baby food, by gently setting him within claws reach of the food, or water.

It just sounds so odd....

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Post by Guest » Sat Feb 25, 2006 4:20 pm

I've never heard of that before. In my opinion, I think he will probably drop the deformed leg and grow new legs during his next molt. There's nothing that you can do about it. Just make sure he has a nice and quiet place to rest and give him lots of good food and fresh water.

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Post by Guest » Sat Feb 25, 2006 4:36 pm

poor baby :( are the legs still visible las seperate legs and stuck together, or does it look like the 'skin' has grown over both legs to bind them together?

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Post by OIF_VET » Sun Feb 26, 2006 12:33 am

HermieGoddess, I am Sorry U have to go threw this....I know what I am about to say is my opinion... and I know it is going to Sound Totaly Harsh...But Please Bear with Me on this.
Surgery! Yes...That's Right...I said Surgery...I think it would probably benefit the Hermie if U Amputated the Appendage with a Very Sharp, New Razor.
I would attempt to Amputate at the Point of Where the Limbs and BP Meet...
If there is any Seperation, As in, If U can Clearly See Where 1 Leg and the 2nd Leg meet. And where the BP Meet..If U can see any Seperate Limbs..I would Amputate Back to the Point where they can then Become Individual Appendages...If Ya need to...Go Back as Far as the Carapice (Body)
I know this Sounds So Harsh and...How Can I say Such a Thing???
I would Say...Let us Hope that the Crab can Drop this Limb on it's Own...but if it Doesnt...U may need to do this...
The Crab Can and Prolly Will Regenerate the Missing Limbs.

Other than That!....I really dont know what else to say.
I am Sorry that this has Happened :(
Good Luck! and Please Keep us Posted on this Situation.
Welcome to the HCA! Advice for the Stressed, Owners and Crabs alike.
Been Crabby Since 8/16/05 Land, Marine Hermit Crabs Since Summer '04
Currently Have 4 PPs. I have Countless Successful Molts!
MY "Lil Dudes"

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Post by Guest » Sun Feb 26, 2006 9:11 am

there is no way i can perform surgery on him...one he is so small there is no way i could be accurate (he's dime size) and two there is no way to seperate the apendages. They are all formed into one solid object you can't even tell what would be leg or claw. I just hope he drops the limb himself. I'm worried he won't successfully molt because he is unable to move or dig. I have put the salt water and food right in front of him so he has been able to lean out of his shell to eat and drink so i guess thats good. i just pray he makes it.

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Post by HERMEZ » Sun Feb 26, 2006 9:30 am

Gosh I am soooooooo sorry :cry: I too would like to see a pic so I can learn from it - HUGS! :(
CrAbBy aNd PrOuD
crabbin since 2005.

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Post by Guest » Sun Feb 26, 2006 3:21 pm

Well i just looked into the Iso and saw that the end of the deformed part (the claw) had broken off so now he is trying to walk around on it. It appears that it is all hollow inside so i don't know if he has any feeling to it and if he can use it to walk. There is a funny fishy smell to the tank now but he's moving and walking around so i know he's not dead. could the smell be coming from the broken off apendage?

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Post by Guest » Sun Feb 26, 2006 3:29 pm

The apendage could smell. Pick it up. If it is hollow, crush it up and let him eat it if he wants it. If it is not hollow he dropped it and the organic matter inside is rotting and that is what you smell.

It sounds like you are doing everything you can. I had an e have a really bad molt last month. I had him over 2 years as well. I don't know any insights to offer you as this was a mystery to me.

What i have seen with bad molts, is they will often go right back to molting again within 2-6 weeks. So i would keep that ISO as permanent home until he has another molt.

I wouldn't recommened surgery simply because you don't know what is where. He will automatically grow and regenerate as his body is designed to do. Maybe get some fresh foods to him for a while? Stay away from anything processed for a bit. Crushed egg shells, shredded carrots and greens, fruits and veggies all mashed?

Definitely praying for your little guy!

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Post by Guest » Sun Feb 26, 2006 4:53 pm

I would offer some high calcium foods - like cuttlebone along with everything else. I think ti sounds as though another molt is in order, so I would get the iso all set up and leave him there like Melin said.

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Post by Guest » Sun Feb 26, 2006 5:11 pm

ok i mashed up some fruits and veggies for him and sprinkled it all with cuttlebone...hope he does molt soon. i will post as soon as i have new information. Thank you all.

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Post by Guest » Sun Feb 26, 2006 5:37 pm

Definitely keep us posted!
