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I was the 'midwife molter' for my PP

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 11:34 am
by Hermie Lover
Ok. So, let me tell you all what I had to do this past Sunday night.

I had a large PP that had obvious molting signs. And he had disappeared one day, and I figured he went down. Well, I seen his 'shell' on the back of another crab about a week later! I was like, I know that isn't you.....

So, while cleaning the tank that day, I picked up the water bowl, and low and behold there was my poor little PP, naked, and scared to death I guess. And the theif's old shell lay there beside him.

Well, this called for ISO. So, I prepared everything, and put the little guy in ISO, and checked on him later that night. He was squirming around, kinda like being in a seizure. He was MOLTING!!! I was very excited!!! Keep in mind he is naked through all this.

I went down there the next morning, expecting to see a pink crab......WELL, I seen a crab HALF molted. I guess his strength gave out, and he couldn't get the rest of the old exo off. But he was still alive.

SO. I went and found my needle-nosed tweezers, and a bottle of warm water. Took a deep breath, and sat down w/ him, in my hand.

It took me 1 hour to get all that old exo off. He just laid there, pitiful. I did manage to get all the old exo off him, I even had to remove his eye caps and mouth part lining!!!! With the warm water, it was much easier, by just spraying him a little.

So, I laid him back down (keep in mind he is still naked), with all his exo, and walked away. The next morning, he was wiggling around, trying to get his feel of everything. He is starting to turn dark purple. And I HOPE HOPE HOPE he will possibly make it.

He is still naked, but I didn't want to stress him by trying to get him to go in a shell right now. He is a little larger than a baseball, almost softball size....

His legs and antenna barely slid out of that old exo. A couple hours later, it would have been too late. I was extremely nervous and shaky the whole time....

If he lives, he will get a new name......Miracle.

Had to share this story with yall.....never give up on your crabbies....

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 12:22 pm
by Guest
Holy cow... That just pulled on my heartstrings. I hope he makes it through for you.

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 12:54 pm
by Hermie Lover
Raen_83 wrote:Holy cow... That just pulled on my heartstrings. I hope he makes it through for you.
Thanks for understanding....I am kinda on egg shells over here....not knowing what to expect....I know he will need days for recovery....

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 3:41 pm
by Guest
Wow. I have to give you a lot of credit for what you did. Sure hope he makes it after all the work the two of you did. Please let us know what happens.

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 3:56 pm
by Guest
Wow, bless you for doing that! Definitely keep us updated!!

My crabbies will have their claws crossed for you!!

Good vibes your way!! [smilie=luck.gif]

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 4:23 pm
by Rhoney
Wow , good luck with him :)

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 4:48 pm
by Cynderella727
My goodness! I will keep my fingers crossed. Good luck!

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 8:16 am
by Hermie Lover
Well last night I found a shell that looked exactly like the one this guy had on before it was stolen. It's a green turbo, looks like the kind you always
see Straws in.

I looked into his ISO, and he had already righted himself up!!! I was getting excited. So, I didn't want to pick him up, but I wanted to help him w/ this shell. So, I washed it out inside w/ warm water, and left a little in there, and kinda slid his little abdomen in there. I sat him back down, and walked away.

This morning, he was tucked up in there. SO, I just hope this works's such a tense situation!!

I will keep yall updated.....having to peel off his mouth lining, and eye caps shortened my life at least 2 years.....

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:24 am
by Guest
Oh I'm so happy he's reshelled!! That seems like a very promising sign! :)


Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 1:54 pm
by irishgirl45
How is the crab doing now? That was something else what you did. I still can not pick up a naked crab. I am working on it .

You are so good to him hope all is well now.


Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 8:39 am
by Hermie Lover
irishgirl45 wrote:How is the crab doing now? That was something else what you did. I still can not pick up a naked crab. I am working on it .

You are so good to him hope all is well now.
Well, he is still alive.....

And I had put him in a shell, he has accepted it, b/c he tries to draw back in it when I check on him. It is very similar to the shell that was taken from him.

I am not sure if he is eating his exo yet though. I don't know how far his damage goes :( He isn't over the top yet :(

I do check on him every other day though....I don't want to stress him too much more....he has been through so much already....

I did notice his large pincher is a little deformed...and I will keep you all updated...please send out good vibes his way....

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 12:39 pm
by Ellinj0206
Sending good vibes your way. Looking forward to hearing more positive things about the little (or big) guy's molt.

Now you just need to get a nurse's uniform! Hahaha


Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:04 am
by Hermie Lover
Thanks yall!

I seen this guy trying to move his legs yesterday. He is having a really rough time.

He is about the size of a baseball. Poor thing :(

I just hope he can eat his exo....I am not sure if his mouth parts are damaged.

I will keep you all updated.....I check him every other day, and try to keep the stress levels down.


Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:57 pm
by irishgirl45
I am worried about my E I found shell less
he is very lethargic and he moves funny. Like he is weak. I don't know if he ever did molt. He just came up naked. I just made him some honey and cuttle bone with boost powder and placed it near him. I took him out and he is o.k. but not himself. I guess I will leave him and see what develops.
Sending out good vibes to your little crab too. It is so hard when they are not doing well. I feel helpless to help them.

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 7:14 pm
by Guest
What a nightmare! I'm pulling for little Miracle!

I wouldn't have believed they could steal shells underground, until I found my little Lefty naked with the culprits old shell right next to her! Incredible :x.