I'm getting kinda worried about 2 of the crabs, A med/lg E and a med PP. I haven't seen them for a LONG time. We have had the two PPs since May '07, and got the two Es at the end of Oct. '07. When we got the Es I redid the tat. The missing PP didn't seem to like the redo at all, he just sat there for a long time, then went to the moss pit second level for a bit then dug down. The E in question seemed very active and happy with his new home for a bit then he dug down. I assumed that both went down to de-stress and/or molt. But now it's Feb and I haven't seen either one since Nov!!! The PP and the E that were still around are both very shy and I never saw them much but lately I have only caught a glimpse of the little E here and there. So the small PP could have just dug down in Jan. I'm nervous about the two larger ones being gone so very long, but also don't want to mess with them if they are fine. But at this point, 3 months later I'm thinking I should find out what's going on and dig around. What do ya think?
This is very long and pretty confusing- so sorry. Thanks for any suggestions.
No clue what to do
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this is a tough call. they could be molting- although by the sizes they are i dont think that they would be down that long, although it is possible. since you are probably close to having to do a deep clean you might want to wait until you do a deep clean or you can just go dig them up. its your decision. i, personally, would wait until my deep clean, but really its up to you.
- Posts: 337
- Joined: Sat Jul 07, 2007 6:54 pm
- Location: VA
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I have had medium and small ones stay down for 90 days before and come up just fine . I cant explain why . I have also had them go down for just a few weeks and it seems like every time I do a deep clean I dig someone up . I just make them a new hole and lightly cover them back up . I have not had any problems so far from that.
Topic author
I guess I'll wait a bit longer and see if they emerge on their own.
Now the little E isn't looking so little any more though?
I'm wondering if being in a good environment has helped her to grow. She doesn't fit her shell anymore but doesn't want to give it up even though there are tons to choose from.
Thanks for the advice!
Now the little E isn't looking so little any more though?

I'm wondering if being in a good environment has helped her to grow. She doesn't fit her shell anymore but doesn't want to give it up even though there are tons to choose from.
Thanks for the advice!