Phew, 2nd straw up from her molt.
Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:00 am
I can now relax. My 2nd straw, Fandango, has made it through her molt and come back healthy and active.
She seems a little washed out, in contrast to her "sister" who came up fire engine red.
Boy oh boy... my straws have never really acted like the straws I hear about on here. They never trashed anything or really did much of anything. Something has gotten into Sizzle(1st straw that molted), and she is c-r-a-z-y! Fandango is a quick study. She came up yesterday, and the two of them tore the netting down, knocked over a couple food dishes, knocked shells off the shell shelf, and dug big holes all before bedtime. It's good to see them "being straws."
Here are the requisite before and after pics. I don't have a great close up of her before.


Boy oh boy... my straws have never really acted like the straws I hear about on here. They never trashed anything or really did much of anything. Something has gotten into Sizzle(1st straw that molted), and she is c-r-a-z-y! Fandango is a quick study. She came up yesterday, and the two of them tore the netting down, knocked over a couple food dishes, knocked shells off the shell shelf, and dug big holes all before bedtime. It's good to see them "being straws."

Here are the requisite before and after pics. I don't have a great close up of her before.
