Oh Gosh.....4 Crabbies Dug Up!
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:45 pm
This isn't an emergency (hence why it's not in Emergency) because I know basicly what to do, but I need advice! I really needed to clean the tank out, becuase the EE at the bottem was getting nasty. I knew that I had 3-5 crabs down, but I thought they should have been heading up because they had been down for a long time. Well as I was pouring out their hidey cups, what do I find? In 3 differnt hideys, 4 newly molted crabbies with all their exo still with them! I do not have an ISO at this moment, and I can't put them in a tuberware container because it would be to cold. So right now they are each in a little hidey with some moss and honey and engergizing food with honey. They are all alive, but one of them is MUCH more active. But I am worried about the other ones. They aren't really moving. Is their anything I can do so they have a larger chance of making it?