Going crazy here!
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:52 am
How long do I wait for Shiny to come up??? He's been under in his Iso since mid-January. He shed his exo about a month ago. From everything I read here, I expected he'd eat it in a few days and be up. But he ate part of it and then the rest sat there for another 3 weeks. A large part of the exo sat uneaten. No evidence that Shiny has exited his hold under his water dish. I put fresh food in every day and there are no prints showing he's been anywhere near the food dish. But whenever I peeked in on him, he'd always waggle his antennae at me and let me know he was ok.
Today it was a little different. I lifted the water dish and was sure he was dead. I could see all his legs sticking out of the shell and he was motionless. And his legs were facing me such that he was upside down. I was just planning where to dispose of him when suddenly the legs slipped back into his shell. He is in a slightly different place than before and I don't see the exo remains, though there is a little pile of sand with bits of exo in it so I'm wondering if he just moved it around.
Anyway, what's up with him? Will he ever come out? Should I be worried? Seems that molting is long over. Should I move him to the bigger tank?
Today it was a little different. I lifted the water dish and was sure he was dead. I could see all his legs sticking out of the shell and he was motionless. And his legs were facing me such that he was upside down. I was just planning where to dispose of him when suddenly the legs slipped back into his shell. He is in a slightly different place than before and I don't see the exo remains, though there is a little pile of sand with bits of exo in it so I'm wondering if he just moved it around.
Anyway, what's up with him? Will he ever come out? Should I be worried? Seems that molting is long over. Should I move him to the bigger tank?