what percent?

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what percent?

Post by Guest » Wed Mar 19, 2008 6:59 am

This question is coming out of my last thread below --for which I appreciate all the feedback that amounts to "Patience!" But it makes me wonder, what percentage of their lives are spent underground molting or in molting-related activities? If they molt 1 or 2 times a year and they can be under 2 months...that's a third of of their lives for some (as much as 4 months out of a year). Doesn't that seem like a lot of time hunkering down in the sand twiddling their little thumbs?


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Post by wickedannabella » Wed Mar 19, 2008 9:07 am

Not really. Put it into perspective...How much of our lives is spent sleeping? I don't really think it's any different considering a third of our DAY is spent sleeping! (For MOST of us that is) We just have the luxury of being able to grow without shedding our skin.

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Post by Guest » Wed Mar 19, 2008 8:23 pm

Yeah, but don't hermit crabs also sleep? So that would be a third of their lives underground PLUS an additional third sleeping? Admittedly I don't happen to know how much time they sleep, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was comparable to us.


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Post by Guest » Wed Mar 19, 2008 8:45 pm

You have to remember that they sleep underground sometimes, too...:lol:

It'd be hard to calculate.

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Post by Tetracolor » Thu Mar 20, 2008 6:28 am

I'm sure they find something fun to while underground. :P Really though, it's not too much time.
Crabbing for 6 years now.
15 PPs, 1 Beardie

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counting sheep

Post by Guest » Thu Mar 20, 2008 7:04 am

Well, they do have very little brains so maybe counting sheep is enough while they are underground!

I tried to look it up, btw, how much they sleep and couldn't find any info beyond, 'yes they do sleep' and 'they spend a lot of time sleeping'. I'm sure some scientist or expert on hermit crabs somewhere has explored this, but clearly it isn't fascinating enough to make the internet!


Topic author

Post by Guest » Thu Mar 20, 2008 10:08 am

We need a hidden camera to see exactly what they are doing underground.
