Dug up Molter? Will He Survive?

This forum is where you discuss issues relating to molting hermit crabs, including pre- and post-molting issues. If you are having a molting emergency please post in the Emergency Forum.

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Dug up Molter? Will He Survive?

Post by evre1's-mom » Wed Mar 19, 2008 6:20 pm

This reply was in response to a post on "First Shell Change", in which I told them I had dug gently in my tank due to a horrible smell and that I had found Herman and he was alive (still unmolted) and I gently recovered him with loose sand. What about everyone else? Did I mess up? What have you done if this has happened to you and did it turn out okay or was it a disaster? I'm frantic now! Herman is by big, beautiful, gentle baby. The following reply is what I received:

You can tell by the date I joined that I've only been crabbing since December, but I have a thought on the above...
One time I disturbed a molter and then quickly put the dirt back gently- that was the only molt that went bad so far.
Since then I have not only uncovered by actually scooped out and moved 4 molters because I was working on installing a water resorvoir for the stream i put in and they were in the way. I was as careful as could be and they all have resurfaced since just fine.
The main difference between the good and the bad was that I did NOT recover them with soil. Instead I covered them with loose moss from elsewhere in the tank.
Not exactly scientific deduction...maybe someone more knowledgeable will post about it.
The opinion I have for now, is only to use loose moss to cover a stressed crab.
Hope that helps
9 PP's and 1 Rug. RIP Willie 4-24-08, Spitz, 5-30-08 & our little friend we never named 9/08

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Location: PA

Post by evre1's-mom » Thu Mar 20, 2008 9:39 pm

Well, I guess no news is good news or else everyone is sick of my posts. :oops:
9 PP's and 1 Rug. RIP Willie 4-24-08, Spitz, 5-30-08 & our little friend we never named 9/08


Post by MudCrabDude » Sat Mar 22, 2008 12:59 am

evre1's-mom wrote:Well, I guess no news is good news or else everyone is sick of my posts. :oops:
No, we're not sick of the posts. :lol: It's just that's probably what I wouldn've done myself, if not worse... :oops: :D

Keep us posted on the progress!


Post by wickedannabella » Sat Mar 22, 2008 7:55 am

Oh please don't feel that way. It's just that this is a very busy forum and sometimes, depending on when you post, your post will get "buried"...so check back and if it does, just "BUMP" it back up.

I disturbed a molter during my deep clean. He's up and about today! :)

So, yes, they can survive being disturbed.


Post by Guest » Sat Mar 22, 2008 12:45 pm

As long as you left him some air room he should be okay. Some crabs like to dig tunnels just to dig (and not molt).

I dug up a molter when doing a deep clean. She was already done molting, so I gently moved her and the remaining exo to an ISO. I just dug a little impression in the substrate and placed her and exo in it. She survived though a bit shy.
