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1st molt with a new crab

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:47 pm
by Guest
I have a question and it may sound silly, but here goes. We had one crab for over a year before I came across this site and realized that I was being an awful crab mommy :cry: Our crab (Mr. Cutie Pottie Shelly, named by our 4 year old) had a successful molt with us while I had no clue what was going on...I actually thought he had died :oops: So, around a month ago, we got a new crab friend for him, Moondo (named by our 3 year old). Mr. Shelly didn't like Moondo very much. Kept trying to take his shell. I put a plastic divider in the tank to separate them at night or when we weren't home. After about a week, Mr. Shelly learned how to scale the divider to be with Moondo and they have gotten along wonderfully ever since. About 5 days ago, Moondo drug a new shell in the coconut hut and dug under. The coconut hut is where he and Mr. Shelly were spending all their time. Mr. Shelly left the hut for a few days, but the last couple of nights, he has been trying to dig around the hut and seems aggressive again. I'm assuming Moondo is either destressing or molting. My concern is that Mr. Shelly will hurt him if he is molting. Do I leave them alone? I can't see Moondo where he has dug under, but there is no odor. I've been putting the divider in at night or if we're gone. I don't know, just worried. Should I iso Mr. Shelly? I'm not messing with Moondo. He was living in less than great conditions at Petsmart. Sorry for the long drawn out question. Thanks for your help!! :)

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 9:14 pm
by tigermoon89
Do I leave them alone? I can't see Moondo where he has dug under, but there is no odor. I've been putting the divider in at night or if we're gone. I don't know, just worried. Should I iso Mr. Shelly? I'm not messing with Moondo. He was living in less than great conditions at Petsmart.
Do you offer any form of proteins: fish, chicken, beef, etc?

Offering fish proteins when you suspect that you have a molter should help reduce the urge to eat the molter.

If you are worried or notice that your other guy is digging around where you molter is, it's a good idea to keep him isoed or place a barrier around the molter by using a 2L soda bottle cut to make a fence. Still place fresh foods and waters in for the molter.

You can also use old tupperware to create the barrier :wink:

Here are some more nutrition tips for pre and post molters:
Found in food section as a sticky (Kilamanjaro's food guide)
What to Feed Pre-Molt Land Hermit Crabs
It is important to feed pre-molt hermit crabs foods rich in different nutrients. Protein and calcium are two of the most important nutrients you can feed your land hermit crabs when they are pre-molt.

Some people have noted that oils help land hermit crabs shed their exoskeleton. Feeding different oils (coconut, red palm, or olive) can be beneficial to a pre-molt hermit crab.

What to Feed Post-Molt Land Hermit Crabs
Post-molt land hermit crabs should be fed a various diet with foods rich in different vitamins and other beneficial nutrients. You should try to feed the healthiest foods to your post-molt crabs for a week or two in order to have them regain their nutrient levels and they start to metabolize food easier.

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 9:25 pm
by tlivs
Just to add: for the 2L pop bottle barrier make sure its super super clean and remember to remove the cap so that there is air flow to the sand!

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:07 am
by Guest
Thanks for the responses. They've actually both dug under now (at opposite ends of the tat). Both have left windows at the bottom, so I see them now :) I do offer protein, mostly chicken, because it's their favorite. It appears that Moondo has molted, perhaps Mr. Shelly as well. I'm hopeful that when they come up they will be buddies. Thanks again for the suggestions. I can't wait for them to come up :)

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:10 am
by tigermoon89
[smilie=molted.gif] Congrats! [smilie=molted.gif]


Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:15 am
by Guest
I know, I know. I was wondering when I was going to get one of those responses :wink: As soon as they come up!

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:15 am
by I'veGotCrabs
seems like you've got it handled but I just love to toss in my 2 cents...sooo
If there was any shell aggression make sure you're offering plenty of extra shells. Some crabs are just like that though-I have one who will have 30 shells in his size right in front of him but still gets aggressive with my other crabs sometimes. He does it once every 3 years or so then gets a huge new shell, keeps it and then again in about 3 years get's aggressive until he finds a new shell-boogars! k-two cents offered. :-) I'm done now.