Blackish Red joints
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 4:19 pm
Okay, over the last 2 weeks or so my pp named Raspberry, molted and he seemed to have been doing just fine. I checked on him a couple days after he molted under this big hut that he was molting underneath and I found him fine but instead he has had a much darker color than when he was molting. His color was pale when he molted and now it is normal but he resembles the color of my other crab named Bluberry. I can't tell who is who but one of them (which I think is Raspberry) has blackish red around his joints. It scares me because they almost look bloody. Yesterday i held him in my hand and he was doing just fine and he is active and likes to eat day and night. He especially loves barbecue Pringles. Anyway when you touch his legs they seem to be a little weak and the tips of his legs are very sharp. I'm going to try to post pictures of him to tell whats wrong.