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All three crabs molting at once? Help!

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 7:14 am
by sararoseey
I've had these crabs for years, and I've noticed if one is molting, one of the other crabs will molt at the same time, but never all three. But about a week ago, they all buried themselves and I haven't seen them at all, they're all medium/big. I've heard a few noises that tell me that they are alive, like a claw scratching the glass. But why did all three molt at once? Nothing changed in the tank, except I started giving them better food and the humidity and temp went up because I worked out some heater kinks. And when will they resurface? Molts always kinda freak me out alittle:)

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 7:29 am
by wodesorel
I doubt that it has anything to do with tank! I bet if you had tracked their molts they've just cycled to the point where all of them naturally needed to at the same time.

It may have something to do with weather or moon cycles as well. (Likely they're sensing the barometric pressure.) I talk to my mother a lot about the hermit crabs and I always tell her who is currently molting. My mom says she's noticed that my crabs tend to molt on the full moons. I just had ten crabs bury themselves about a week ago, so maybe she's right!

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 7:39 am
by sararoseey
It WAS a full moon recently, so maybe that did contribute! I was worried but there's no smell, so I guess I've not nothing to be worried about! I can't wait to see them when they're done though, I've been feeding them healthier foods so maybe their colors have changed!
I guess I'll just keep the heat and humidity up and be patient :)

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:23 am
by snickersnflip
i think it's pretty normal for them all to molt at once :) when one of my crabs goes down, they all go down! i guess they just get bored when one of thier biggies goes down, so they decide since they have nothin else to do, might as well molt! :hlol: recently, when i got Summersault a few days after that he went down for a molt/destress, and then within the next few days, flip snd snickers went too. so far, flip and snickers have both molted and are now up. summersault is still down.

i get nervous about molts too LOL

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:33 pm
by sararoseey
Awe! Hahah theyre lonely underground:)
I'm happy other peoples crabs do that, I was so worried hahaha:)