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Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 10:27 am
by 515105
OMG! The first time I ask about molting my hermit crab, Georgia, molts or so I think. I looked in their aquarium this morning and I saw what looked like bones but it was actually her exo! The first thing I thought was... she's dead!!! I had my mom come check and.... BOOM! Mom said it was just her exo. What a relief! The next thing we did was got a non metal dish and filled it with some water and imersed her in it for 3 seconds, took her out, then set her in a non metal dish with a paper towel and put 2 shells, 1 with fresh water, and the other with 3 pieses of spinich and a few dabs of honey. I have a few questions for those who have had a number of sucsessful molts,
1. Are they surpossed to eat their exo. or do I take it away?
2. I am pretty sure of this one but, Is she spossed to be pink afterwords?
3. Anything else I should do? :D :shock: :?:

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 11:53 am
by CrabbyIrene
1. Are they surpossed to eat their exo. or do I take it away?
Yes, they will eat the exo, most time they will leave a few little pieces, claws & such.
2. I am pretty sure of this one but, Is she spossed to be pink afterwords?
Yep, pink is pretty normal right after a molt. As his exo hardens up his exo will darken.
The next thing we did was got a non metal dish and filled it with some water and imersed her in it for 3 seconds, took her out, then set her in a non metal dish with a paper towel and put 2 shells, 1 with fresh water, and the other with 3 pieses of spinich and a few dabs of honey.
Was the crab shell-less? They usually molt with their shells on.
If he wasn't naked, then there is no need to bath them, it would only stress him out more. If he has a shell on, then you want to just place his exo with him in the tank & cover him with a cocohut or other hide to give him darkness & security. You don't need to place extra shells,food or water with him. You can keep it close by though in case he decides to wander in a few days. After you cover him with the hut you want to just leave him be & not handle him.


Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 3:51 pm
by 515105
How long should I leave her? I feel stupid because I don't know anything about this! :shock: :?: [smilie=whistle.gif] :dunno: :newb:

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:28 pm
by CrabbyIrene
Not sure what you mean by "How long should I leave her?" If you mean how long before you can pick her up? I would wait until she's done eating her exo and is up & about eating, drinking & running around. Maybe a couple of weeks??

or, do you mean how long should you leave her in the dish you put her in after you found her this morning after molting? If thats the case, by all means put her back in the tank w/her exo & cover her with a cocohut.
How long should I leave her? I feel stupid because I don't know anything about this!
No such thing as a stupid question!! Ask away! :)


Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:39 pm
by 515105
OOOOOPPPS! My mom took the exo out and threw it away! Now what would you recomend. See, I told you I was stupid! :oops: :shock:

Re: Molter

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:42 pm
by 515105
515105 wrote:How long should I leave her? I feel stupid because I don't know anything about this! :shock: :?: [smilie=whistle.gif] :dunno: :newb:

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 6:51 pm
by CrabbyIrene
Can you still get it? Or is it mixed in with something really gross? If you can, take it out of the trash, rinse it with dechlorinated water & put it next to the crab. Unless it was mixed in with something harmful I think just rinsing it would be ok. When you go through the trash just be mindful of what the exo is next to in the trash.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:50 pm
by CrabbyMom33
I agree that I'd try to get the exo if it's not with something unsafe. If you can't get the exo you should provide another calcium source. One quick one would be an egg shell. You can crack open the egg and then just put the shell in the microwave for about 15 seconds to cook any remaining egg inside. The raw egg is fine for the crabs, but not for you so I would not contaminate your substrate with it. Let the shell cool a bit before putting it in the tank. You can then cook the egg itself as a protein source for your other crabs. Another calcium source would be cuttlebone that you can get at most any pet store in the bird section. If you have any crushed oyster shell that would be good as well.


Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 8:15 pm
by 515105
Thanks for the idea. I don't think I can get to the exo because I threw it away this morning and my little brother had bad diper so I think I'll use the eggshell idea. Oh, and the cooked egg, do I scramble it fry it or something else? :oops: :idea:

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 9:05 pm
by CrabbyIrene
LOL on the diaper!
You can cook the egg either way or just do a hard boiled egg, let cool, remove shell & cut the egg & give to the other crabs & shell for the molter. Just no seasonings or butter

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 9:49 pm
by CrabbyMom33
If I'm in a hurry I've even microwaved the egg in a mug. Scramble first, then put it in a minute or 2. You have to watch is because as it cooks it will expand. If you have a clear measuring cup that works best because you can see what it is doing while it cooks.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:17 am
by 515105
Thanks guys! :D I have done the microave 1 before so I'll do it again. :D

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 8:51 am
by CrabbyIrene
How's the little guy doing?

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:22 pm
by 515105
Actually, Georgia is doing great! (I think?!) :hlol: She is walking around in that hermit crab way and every time I open the lid or make a noise, she crunches into her shell right away! Did I do something wrong??? :shock: :bounce: :color: :blob7: :angry7: :idea1: :sad7: :sad8: :sleepy3: :tongue6: :toothy3: :smt064 :smt119 :wootjump: