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Vacation molters

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 8:41 pm
by hermitcrabs604
Oh gosh! Tonight, I checked on the crabs to see if they were all okay and they were but they were molting! Two of my PP's were molting and they look exactly alike so I can't tell which is which. :lol: Anyways, I am leaving to Panama after school's out for a while. On the 10th of June I'm leaving and won't come back till July 30th! When I checked my crabs tonight one of my crabs seemed to have freshly molted maybe this past couple of days. My other crab molted and is almost finished eating his exo. When I'm gone to Panama, will the crabs be fine until I get back? My Dad is going to take care of them while I'm gone! Lately, I haven't had to feed my crabs because they are almost all destressing or molting! I don't want my Dad to go through too much trouble with the crabs! :lol: Also, does anybody know what the best kind of heat lamp is to use for the crabbies? And, the best saltwater salinity and gravity for PP's? I bought this hydrometer, and the brand is something like "Coralife", I'm not sure if it is good to use or what! My crabs always pull off some kind off stunt when I'm not there to take care of them! :)

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:15 pm
by S-Exotics
They should be fine. School's out with me tomorrow and I will be gone in and out of the house. All you really should do is change the food and water and keep the tank misted. And I'm not to sure about the heat, I haven't had a chance to get a heater yet... :|

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:17 pm
by CrabbyIrene
I think the easiest thing would be to make up the water in gallon jugs,both regular & marine & label the containers so Dad knows which one is which. I don't know what brand marine salt you use,but if its Instant Ocean then its 1/2 cup per gallon, you don't need to measure specific gravity for the crabs. If you feed all dry food then tell him how much to feed and how often and print out a copy of the safe food list in case Dad decides to bring them some treats. Leave instructions to mist the tank if it goes below 75% humidity. Try to keep it simple & short so its easier for him.
As for heat, what do you use now? I wouldn't mess w/new heat types if you're leaving town & not there to moniter it. If you keep the care list short then he's more likely to enjoy his grand-crabs! :D

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:03 pm
by hermitcrabs604
That is a good idea! I'm using an undertank heater but sometimes it gets too hot so it's not plugged in right now. Plus it is very hot where I am. In fact today was about 100 or 102 degrees! :shock: