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Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 9:51 pm
by 4ever21
My straw just went up this morning. Does he look like he was molted? If he's not, do I still leave him in the iso for 7 days before I move him to the main tank?


Re: Molted?

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:00 pm
by NeviNuNu
Two of my guys just came up and I knew for sure my PP had molted I could see his sharp little black nails. They look like a lil black stick or hard hair at the end of their legs but I didn't notice that on my E right away so I looked at his legs under a light and I could see them clear as day. So I would check him out under some good bright light. I can't really tell from your pictures but I don't see any sharp nails. I don't have straws though so I'm not an expert and my two that came up tonight were my first.

Re: Molted?

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:19 pm
by 4ever21
NeviNuNu wrote:Two of my guys just came up and I knew for sure my PP had molted I could see his sharp little black nails. They look like a lil black stick or hard hair at the end of their legs but I didn't notice that on my E right away so I looked at his legs under a light and I could see them clear as day. So I would check him out under some good bright light. I can't really tell from your pictures but I don't see any sharp nails. I don't have straws though so I'm not an expert and my two that came up tonight were my first.
Thank you, I agree that his nails don't look that sharp. Should I still leave him in the iso for 7 days before I move him to the main tank

Re: Molted?

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:26 pm
by NeviNuNu
Why is he in iso? Because he was giving signs of a molt? If so I would say yes if he is still acting like he is ready to molt. I let my crabs molt in my main tank but if I had a straw I might put him into iso just because they are so fragile. Maybe someone with straws or who iso's molters can answer this question. Straws are like the gems of the hermit crab world and I wouldn't want to take any chances! He's beautiful too!

Re: Molted?

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:45 pm
by CrabAddict99
Your strawb's toe nails look plenty sharp to me especially in the first pic. His ultra bright red coloring (may darken a bit over time) and long antennas point in that direction too. Congrats! What a gorgeous straw! :cloud9:

Give him a quick bath to remove any if at all molt scent. Then put him in with the others.

Re: Molted?

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:50 pm
by 4ever21
NeviNuNu wrote:Why is he in iso? Because he was giving signs of a molt? If so I would say yes if he is still acting like he is ready to molt. I let my crabs molt in my main tank but if I had a straw I might put him into iso just because they are so fragile. Maybe someone with straws or who iso's molters can answer this question. Straws are like the gems of the hermit crab world and I wouldn't want to take any chances! He's beautiful too!
I'm afraid that my straws would have mites, so all of my straws have been in iso, but I just moved a couple of them to the main tank today. This guy dug down for more than 3 week, and he just went up this morning. So can I move him to the main tank with the others, or he should be in the iso for a few more days. I'm sorry for all of these confusing :)

Re: Molted?

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:01 pm
by NeviNuNu
@ crabaddict. I agree in the first picture it looks the his nails may be sharp but in the other two It looks like they aren't at all!

4ever does his color look any different to you from the last time you saw him? I know you said you didn't feel like he had sharp claws. So his color would be another way to identify weather he's molted or not and only you would be able to notice a difference in him! I would say give him a bath just in case he has molted like crabaddict said and put him in the main tank with his buddies! W lonely crab is no good and if you have gotten him recently then if he didn't molt he was destressing. If he does decide to molt him digging down in your main tank isn't the end of the world so why not let him be with his brothers and sisters!!! Good luck!!!

Re: Molted?

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:03 pm
by 4ever21
CrabAddict99 wrote:Your strawb's toe nails look plenty sharp to me especially in the first pic. His ultra bright red coloring (may darken a bit over time) and long antennas point in that direction too. Congrats! What a gorgeous straw! :cloud9:

Give him a quick bath to remove any if at all molt scent. Then put him in with the others.
Yeahhhhh :clap: Thank you so much "Crabaddict99"

Re: Molted?

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:21 pm
by 4ever21
NeviNuNu wrote:@ crabaddict. I agree in the first picture it looks the his nails may be sharp but in the other two It looks like they aren't at all!

4ever does his color look any different to you from the last time you saw him? I know you said you didn't feel like he had sharp claws. So his color would be another way to identify weather he's molted or not and only you would be able to notice a difference in him! I would say give him a bath just in case he has molted like crabaddict said and put him in the main tank with his buddies! W lonely crab is no good and if you have gotten him recently then if he didn't molt he was destressing. If he does decide to molt him digging down in your main tank isn't the end of the world so why not let him be with his brothers and sisters!!! Good luck!!!
I don't really remember :) I brought him home with the other straw, couple days later, he went down.
I guess I'll give him a quick bath, then I'll put him to the main tank with the others. Thank you so much

Re: Molted?

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:28 pm
by NeviNuNu
No prob!! Yeah I could see how it could be hard to remember! Well I'm glad he's up and I hope he molted! Keep us updated on how your beautiful straws are doing I really enjoying seeing pictures of them!!! Your a lucky crabber!!!

Re: Molted?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:06 am
by 4ever21
NeviNuNu wrote:No prob!! Yeah I could see how it could be hard to remember! Well I'm glad he's up and I hope he molted! Keep us updated on how your beautiful straws are doing I really enjoying seeing pictures of them!!! Your a lucky crabber!!!
Yes I will. And thanks again

Re: Molted?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 1:04 am
by CrabAddict99
NeviNuNu wrote:@ crabaddict. I agree in the first picture it looks the his nails may be sharp but in the other two It looks like they aren't at all!
4ever21 I hope you don't mind me cropping your photo. I zoomed in on your straws toe nails:
The second pic is blurry and dark. The sand on the crabbies toes doesn't help either. The color of a crab may not be the best gauge of wether it has molted or not, the toe nails are and so are regrown legs/tips. I've noticed the exo may get darker after they surface.

The eyes of a strawberry especially after a molt look like hematite. Over time between molts they get darker.
Pyro after his molt:

Re: Molted?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 9:45 am
by 4ever21
CrabAddict99 wrote: 4ever21 I hope you don't mind me cropping your photo. I zoomed in on your straws toe nails:
No, not at all, I have to say "thank you" :)
I thought crab's eyes were just black :)

Re: Molted?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 10:01 am
by CrabKeeper
I saw the claws too and the super bright color tipped me off too. Congrats. Beautiful crab!!! You're doing a great job!

Re: Molted?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:19 pm
by Zoeythelost
Also saw those sharp little daggers. Grats on a successful straw molt