Should I move him?

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Should I move him?

Post by reichiere » Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:46 pm

My crabbies have a medium exoterra bowl for their fresh water. It's in the shallow end of the substrate in tank. I left it that way intentionally and with what I assumed was not enough room for a crabby to get under and molt. However about a week ago I picked it up and my voila Single Spike was under it. I didn't think to much of it since I pull it out every couple of days for a good clean and Single Spike digs a lot. However a few days ago when I went to clean it again I pulled it up and there he was and outside of his shell there were pieces of exoskeleton. There was no fishie smell so I put the water dish right back. All of my other crabs were out and about and there had been no sign of them digging around him (I don't think they could fit under with their shells).

At that time I ment to come on here and ask what to do, but I spaced it out. I remebered last night when I went to clean their water dishes. He had shifted a little in his cave and the pieces of him were gone (or moved so I couldn't see) and he built up is little cave more. But I can see right into it when I pick up the water dish.The water dish is heavy and only moved for clearning. So I'm just wiping it clean but I normally take it out rinse it and scrub it before putting it back. I don't want to leave Single Spike exposed for how long it would take to wash it.

I can put in another fresh water dish but we're really limited on room already. Or until Petco does their dollar a gallon sale again...

I'm thinking moving him would be a bad idea. But I'm not sure how good of an idea it is to leave him where he's at.

What's your opinions?

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Re: Should I move him?

Post by kuza » Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:04 pm

I would put something on top of him and under the food dish myself. Then you could still change the water without disturbing him. Since he's already molted he should be ok even if you were to take him out to iso him but it'll be stressful for him. Do you have cocofiber wall you could cut to the size of your water dish and put under it?

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Re: Should I move him?

Post by reichiere » Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:10 pm

thats a good idea! I've done it so I'll see how it goes. thanks

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Re: Should I move him?

Post by reichiere » Thu May 10, 2012 3:52 pm

I just wanted to say he successfully made it and has come out to join reset of the crabs!

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Re: Should I move him?

Post by kuza » Thu May 10, 2012 5:38 pm

